Letters & Quidditch

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It was the morning of the first Quidditch match of the season when Lily received the letter from her father. Her screech owl, Picco, had swooped down over the breakfast table, and for the first time in a little while, she'd received something other than The Daily Prophet. Though she liked to keep in touch with her family, she hadn't been able to send as many letters back as of late. Schoolwork, James, Marlene, Head duties, and more schoolwork had been dominating the majority of her time.

Smiling to herself, she opened the letter, though by the end of it, she wasn't very happy. Seeing the look on her face, James nudged her from her right side, a wondering brow raised. Pursing her lips, she gave him a tight smile. "Later, I have a letter to write." She said, standing up and abandoning the rest of her breakfast as she left the Hall.

Lily made her way up to the Head dormitory and wrote a quick letter, aiming to not be late for the game.


I'm so happy to hear about Petunia! She's never mentioned a boy before, much less brought him home to meet you. He must be very special to her. In noticing that, I do have to wonder why she would not write me and tell me such a thing herself. I'd not heard of him at all until your letter. I do love hearing from you, of course, but I regret to say that its rather disappointing I hadn't heard of her year-long relationship with him until now.

Anyway, I'm very happy to hear that you liked him. And I cannot wait to meet him over winter holiday! I'm sorry he seems to only speak of himself as you say, but I would not let that trouble you. In my experience, that sort of thing can be grown out of. I'm sure once past that bit of his personality, you will discover a most wonderful human being. If not, inform me at once, for Petunia deserves to have a most wonderful human being. Please, pass on my congratulations to her.

I'm sorry I hadn't yet responded to your last letter. I've been trying to, but so much has been happening that its been difficult to find a spare moment. I do read every one you send me, so please keep sending them when you have the time.

I hope you're well!

Love, Lily.

Once finished scribbling out the letter, she put it in an envelope and addressed with haste. Not bothering to put away her quill and ink, she darted from the dormitory. She hurried up to the Owlery where Picco was sleeping. Nudging him gently awake, she smiled into his brown eyes. "Hey, there. Mind dropping this off at Dad's? Thank you." The brown and white owl nudged her with his forehead, his own little way of expressing affection, and took the letter in his claws, before making for the sky.

She then made her way back down to the Great Hall, in which she found neither James nor Marlene, though around half of the student body was still within, chattering excitedly and finishing their meals. Upon heading to the courtyard, she found the hazel-eyed man waiting for her. As she approached him, she couldn't help but think him sexy in his uniform. If there was one thing that she found irresistible, it was a Quidditch uniform. James was tall and slender, and the uniform accentuated his lean frame and muscles. His eyes shined with excitement and determination as she arrived to stand in front of him. Scarf around his neck and goggles atop his head, she grinned and reached up, running her hands through his hair and intentionally messing it up.

"Er, Lily... What are you doing?"

"Oh, hush, I've wanted to do this for years."


"Yes," she replied, and he grinned a little.

She finished fussing up his hair and stood back to examine it. Smiling in satisfaction, she laughed. "It wasn't messy enough. I was doing you a favor"

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