The Headmaster & The Hospital Wing

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Lily and James entered the Headmaster's office, slowly, as they became immediately enraptured with the room. It was cozy, welcoming, and just what they expected. Dumbledore had always been a peculiar man, so it was no surprise to either of them that his office looked the way it did. A number of small, circular tables sat about the open room. Silver instruments rested atop a few of them, each projecting colorful liquids that spurted into the air and landed back inside a moment later, or steams and smokes of all different varieties that plumed and vanished into the warm air. Other tables had other objects upon them, such as Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, sneakoscopes, and a number of other magical items unfamiliar to Lily.

She shut the door behind them and walked up to the claw-footed desk behind which a kindly-looking wizard stood. His robes were light blue, and he was stroking a phoenix. He turned to face the two seventh years in his office, and Lily found herself smiling a little at him. With his long silver beard and moon-shaped spectacles resting comfortably atop his crooked nose, he seemed in no hurry, and in a fine mood.

"Good evening." He greeted them pleasantly, then sat in his seat behind the desk, a peculiar smile on his face. "Am I correct to observe that Gryffindor House's Quidditch tryouts have gone amiss?" Lily suspected he already knew everything, but perhaps found it polite to allow them to explain.

He touched the tips of his long, slender fingers together atop the table and watched them with his kind and gentle blue-eyed gaze.

"Yes, sir," Lily and James went on to explain to the Headmaster all that had happened that evening. She recounted it as honestly as she could remember, both of them filling in parts that the other couldn't quite define as easily.

"I didn't see much of Marlene's wounds. I saw enough, believe me, to know it was serious, but I had the Slytherins to take care of." Lily hadn't thought of it before, but now that she mentioned it, she hadn't seen the Slytherins when she finished healing Marlene. Or for that matter, James. "I instructed a few students to escort the Slytherins up to the castle, to Slughorn's office, and returned after."

"You did not cause the injuries that Severus Snape is now inflicted with?" Dumbledore inquired of James calmly.

James shrugged. "I still maintain that he punched himself in the face."

Lily wasn't sure how to feel upon hearing that, but didn't have much time to ponder it before she needed to explain about Marlene's injuries. "I was with Marlene. She had cuts all over her, and a big one on the side of her head. There was, ah, a lot of blood. I was fortunate enough to be able to close the wounds with magic, however."

"Which spell did you use, Miss Evans?"

"Vulnera Sanentur."

"And where did you learn this spell?"

"I simply know it to be the countercurse to that particular spell." Lily shifted uncomfortably, having learned of the Sectumsempra spell and it's counter, Vulnera Sanentur, from Snape.

"Forgive me, I was merely being curious." Dumbledore replied.

Lily gave him a smile and nod.

"I am glad that you came immediately to me to discuss this matter, indeed I think it best that I take care of this particular situation." He paused for a moment, gazing with the slightest frown on his brow at the two, though it appeared to be a frown from thought, not anger. "I will award punishments where they are due, and request that you personally warn each student involved that should a matter such as this occur again, expulsion will be more than strongly considered." His voice was stern, though just as kind as Lily had ever heard it.

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