Marlene, Undone

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Sidebar: If you'd like to see Marlene's perspective on this chapter, visit my other story, Violet Hill.     

December had arrived. Though, November had been mimicking December so accurately with unrelenting snow that the second Quidditch match had almost been cancelled. But thankfully, it had indeed gone on. Hufflepuff went up against Ravenclaw and kicked their arses. Lily had been rooting for Ravenclaw, whose team members were very, very upset by the loss, tossing away their brooms and helmets in angsty defeat.

And December, in the true nature of winter, began to show its true colors of bitterness during its first week. Lily had been patrolling the third floor, watching out for people shagging in broom closets, when Doe came jogging down the corridor straight for Lily.

Her face was worried, a look that looked odd on her, as she was generally so well composed. It made Lily grow concerned before she'd even reached her. Doe stopped in front of Lily, wheezing from her lack of exercise. "It's Marlene. I found her sobbing up in the girls' dormitory. I've never seen her this upset before, but she refuses to tell anyone what's happened. I tried to find Sirius, too, but I've no idea where he is."

Lily nodded, anxiety falling over her. "Alright, let's go." She knew she wasn't supposed to abandon her post, but Marlene was more important than whatever first year squabble would be going on in her absence.

Upon arriving in the Gryffindor dormitory, Lily hadn't a single glance to spare for anyone there. Though she received a few hellos, she saw no one as she climbed the staircase to the girls' sleeping quarters.

The familiar sight of maroon and gold tapestries greeted her as she opened the door, as well as the disarray of trunks, opened and spilling over with clothing and magical items.

It was quiet once she shut the door, though Lily could hear the vague sound of someone crying into a pillow. There was no one in the room but Marlene, who was curled into a small ball, hugging a pillow as her shoulders shook.

"Mar?" Lily said softly, approaching the bed with caution. Marlene was known to throw things when she didn't want people around, and she didn't want another hairdryer to the face.

However, Marlene only glanced over her shoulder at Lily, before shoving her face back into her down pillow and continuing to cry.

"Hey," Lily said, sitting down on the available space of the bed and crossing her legs. "I'm here when you want to tell me what happened." She kept her voice quiet, wondering if perhaps one of her siblings or parents had died. Though, if they had, she wouldn't still be in school.

Marlene didn't reply, only continued to sob heartily. Lily remained in silence, knowing her friend would talk when she was ready. It was a good while before the girl with olive skin began to slowly uncurl and sit up. She still clutched the pillow, her dark brown hair an uncombed mess, her brown eyes swollen and bright red. She had a bit of snot coming out of her nose, though she didn't notice, or didn't care.

It took her another moment before she met Lily's eyes. When she spoke, her voice was quiet, cracked and dry with grief. "Sirius and I broke up." The sentence was obviously painful for her, as she squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, mascara and tears dripped down her cheeks.

Lily nodded to her friend, her stomach sinking. Although another family member hadn't died, Lily knew this was equally as bad. Sirius had become her second family the way Lily had. Marlene's own family loved her, and she them, but they frustrated her to no end. When she wasn't at Hogwarts, she was rarely at home with her family, instead choosing to crash on other people's couches, or to stay with friends for extended periods of time. Lily was one of those friends. The main one, in fact. However, over the recent summer holiday, she'd been mostly with Sirius, spending many nights in his bed with him, a secret well-kept from Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Sirius had become someone Marlene could trust, someone she could put her faith in and rely on.

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