Chapter 10

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I felt a nudge on my shoulder, and I prayed to God that it would just go away, but I knew better than that.

My eyes were glued shut and I refused to open them, no matter how hard I've been shoved. My arm that I've been laying on felt numb, and I could hear Bash calling my name repeatedly, making me want to grab one of those rifles that we have stashed and shoot him.

"Bash," I mumble, my face planted into the mattress, "Leave me alone."

My voice was muffled but I'm sure he understood everything that came out of my mouth.

"Mickey, you've been asleep for a whole day," his voice was stern and irritated, seeing as he's been trying to wake me up for the past hour, "You need to get up. Elliot is really starting to scare me."

My eyebrow arched but everything else in my body remained the same, and I would've chuckled and made fun of Bash's cowardliness if I wasn't dead tired.

I had been training for the past week, and ever since the little altercation between Elliot and I, he's been pushing me harder and harder without even having so much as a conversation with me. And it was bugging the hell out of me.

I heard Bash's footsteps, and they seemed to be getting farther and farther, making me sigh in relief.

I laid there, trying my best to fall back into deep slumber. Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful, making a small smile crawl onto my face as I pulled the blanket closer to me.

I laid there in peace for a few moments when I realized something; Bash never lets me sleep in.

My eyes shot open in time to see Bash standing there deviously with a rusty, silver bucket I assumed was filled with ice cold water.

"Oh, crap."

With the swing of Bash's arm, the water came rushing out of the bucket and onto me.

I sat up straight, letting the water drip down slowly, soaking my shirt and dropping onto my pajama pants.

My hair was drenched and as I sat there on the bed, shivers running up and down my spine from the freezing water, I was shooting Bash a look that could possibly kill.

He took a few steps towards me, a smile as wide as a cheshire cats was plastered onto his face, and lifted the bucket, placing it on my head.

I sat there for a few seconds, my sight pitch black before I slowly made my way out of my soaking wet bed, and grabbed the bucket on my head with both hands, taking it off as calmly as I could.

I gave Bash the most sour smile I could muster up before spitting out, "Run."

He gave me a small chuckle, taking a few steps back before sprinting full speed out of my room, and me following suit.

"You're so dead, McChick!"

He was straight ahead of me, running down the hallway, as I aimed the bucket that was still in my hands at him, and with one swift move, the bucket went flying out of my hands and hit him square on the back.

A short squeal escaped him before he hit the ground with an echoing thud.

I stood up straight, a smug expression was probably clear on my face as I folded my arms across my chest.

I guess those lessons paid off.

Thank you, Elliot.

My smug thoughts were interrupted by a slow applaud coming from behind me.

I whipped around when I met Elliot's soft eyes, and my breathe caught in my throat. His eyes quickly darted to my shirt, tilting his head and arching an eyebrow in the process.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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