Chapter 6

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No mothertruckin' way.

It was me.

I actually froze time. Oh, and my best friend.

God knows how long it's been since I've frozen time. Well, I guess that much time hasn't passed because time is frozen. For the first hour, or what seemed like an hour, I was panicking. Hard.

The same heavy feeling stayed on me throughout the whole time. I was babbling Bash's name like an idiot and I even cried some more. Because, you know, you can never cry enough.

After a while, reality seemed to set in: I've frozen time and I'm all alone.

It took me a few moments to come to terms to what's happening. And I'll admit...I was absolutely, ridiculously terrified. My hands were shaking and breathing was short, and I was desperately in need of my best friends help. I still hadn't accepted the concept of it all, but I finally stopped all my crying. I stood there, numb, staring at Bash.

I took in every single feature because-well, I had nothing better to do.

His dark, brown hair was tussled about from when he ran his hand through it, and his eyes were narrowed at where I was standing. His mouth was slightly parted, and I noticed how pink his full lips were. His button nose was spotted with a few freckles, which were passed down by his mother, who is a redhead.

I didn't dare touch him. I kept my distance as I did to the men who destroyed my home. I stared straight at him, waving my hand in front of his hazel eyes, as if it would make him unfreeze.

I grunted in frustration, hating the idea that I was all by my lonesome. I turned myself, looking at the plain, white clock that was hanging on the peach wall.

11:43 p.m.

I kept staring at it, well, mostly at the red hand that counted the seconds passing, and -surprise, surprise- it wasn't moving.

I decided that, for once his life, Bash was right about trying to make it happen. Maybe concentrating on it will unfreeze everything. I took a few steps, making my way back to the spot I was in when it happened. I closed my eyes, concentrating on what was happening, my surroundings, Bash, everything. I clench my fists, trying will all my might as I did the first time. It was eerily silent, and all I could hear was a heartbeat.

Scratch that; heartbeats.

My eyes shot open, staring at Bash and my eyes glance down at his chest, which was not moving up and down, which confused me because I can hear his heart beating.

I ran a hand through my wavy hair that was actually still damp. I stared at my now wet hand in confusion, wondering why time stopping had affected me if I wasn't actually frozen.

My eyes narrowed at Bash's chest, almost positive that the confusion was clear on my face.

How does this all work?

Once again, my eyes can't help but look down at the source of the beating, and suddenly, I can hear my own heart beating erratically. I step closer and closer to him, until I was only a few feet away. I snuck another peak at Bash's face, and I resisted the urge I had to bring my hand up to his cheek.

Beat, beat.

But there was another urge I couldn't resist. I brought my hand up hesitantly, bringing it up and down repeatedly, almost afraid to do it. Finally, I brought my hand up and kept it there, opening my hand so my palm was facing Bash. Ever so slowly, I brought my palm closer, and closer until it touched his chest.

I immediately brought my hand back when I felt his chest starting to move and my head started to pound. I brought my hands to my head and kneeled to the ground.

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