Chapter 3

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"You've got to be kidding me." I mumble, looking out the window of the black van that these hooded imbeciles clearly want back.

"I'm going to guess they stole that pink convertible, because honestly, and I'm just spitballing here, it doesn't really seem like their taste." i roll my eyes at Bash's attempt to humor me in a situation like this, "Uhh, Mickey?" Bash says, stepping on the gas more and more by the minute. I take a moment to look over at the speed, and sure enough, we were going 70 miles per hour.

my eyes widen at the number and I suddenly became aware of how good of a driver Bash is. I could not handle this kind of driving if I was behind the wheel. Well, at least I think not. I've never really tried it before.

"Yeah, Bash?" I question back, having a bad feeling about what he's going to say next. I push my light brown hair out of my face and into a side braid in a matter of seconds.

"You still got those guns of yours?" He gives me a humorless smile before giving me a knowing look. it takes me a few moment to register what he meant , but when it sank in, all I could do is shake my head in disagreement.

"oh, no. oh, no,no,no,no,no. No. No, No way am I going to start shooting at them, you know how terrible my aim is! I've got a hand-eye coordination of zero! And besides, what if I actually do manage to somehow hit one of them? Huh? What will happen then? So no. No and no." I cross my arms across my chest to emphasize and turn my head the other way. It was sort of hard to remain serious when the car was going at this ridiculous speed, making me lose my balance and bouncing me around all around the van.

"I'm not asking you to kill them, I'm asking you to, ya know, shoot at them. Just to scare them a bit." He says hastily while dodging all the cars in the street.

Where are all the damn polices? aren't they suppose to stop people going at this speed? Ha, what a town.

"Listen, Mickey, we're like two minutes away from our place, but we need to lose them first!" he shouts, taking a sharp turn, making my face collide with the window, "Ouch." I said bluntly.

I sighed in defeat, grabbing the rifle that I "borrowed" from the back of the van. I rolled down the window, and all of a sudden, my throat went dry and hands became shakey.

You can do this, Mikayla. You know you have no aim, so what are the chances you'll actually hit someone?

I take a deep breathe in, and look out and around the street we're in to make sure no innocent bystanders get shot by my horrible aim. Okay, the coast is clear. Lucky me. "Uh, Bash? Do I have to do this? I mean, I'm sure we'll lose them eventually, right? I mean we just need to ditch the car, grab some guns and stuff from the back and go, no need to severely injure someone.just to esca-"

"Mikayla, you're a genius."

"what." hmm, that sounded more like a statement, rather than a question...

"We've got to ditch the car, but we've got to be smart about it. Okay, let's see..." he mumbles, obviously trying to come up with some genius plan to get rid of the people who are currently trying to kill us. I wonder if they were as bewildered as we were when they unfroze and realized we were long gone...

As we kept driving, we saw we were progressively faster than the other men. In that moment, a movie scene flashed through my head, giving me possibly the worst but only idea that could get us out of this situation.

"Bash! Remember that one time you came over, it was the day before Halloween and you decided we should watch that one action movie with all the car chases and stuff?"

"You mean the day you 'accidentally' dropped hot chocolate all over the Scream costume I was so excited to show you? Yeah, I definitely remember that, thanks. Why would you even bring that up, jeez, Mickey, have you no heart?" he says overdramatically, to which I roll my eyes at.

"No, you idiotic imbecile. I brought it up because in the movie, the two guys in the car chase jumped out of the moving car and actually lived."

"Bash snapped his head towards me with wide open eyes and a slacked jaw, clearly internally debating whether or not jumping out of the car was worth the possibility of sudden death. After a few moments of signalling to him that we don't have time for his overthinking, he ended up shrugging and saying, "Eh, what have I got to lose?"

Bash took the next turn and we nodded our head in understanding as to when we were going to take the leap of faith out of our car. I held my hand up as if to say to wait a moment and went to the back, grabbing a few more...necessities while I was at it. I shoved them all into my schoolbag, or at least, what could fit into my schoolbag.

I made my way back to my seat and gave Bash a knowing look. Bash took one final turn and I could see his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel too tight. I put one hand over his that was on the gear shift, giving hima reassuring smile.

"We'll count together."

"O-Okay, Bash."




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