My Own Time Machine

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It's amazing how much you miss everything in a blink of an eye. At first , you're surrounded by an aura of love and safety, but you soon realize how easy your safe place can be taken away from you. As though it never existed in the first place.

I know everyone has had that moment. Where you're having a normal, almost joyous day, when suddenly everything around you seems to slow down. It keeps slowing down until time feels as though it's come to a complete stop.

The only difference is with me, time really did come to a complete stop.


"Mom! Mom! I'm home!" I set my half-empty backpack on the small chair next to the front door. I don't bother taking off my boots because I'm probably going out again in a matter of hours.

"Mom?" I yell through the apparently empty house.

"Hmm, wonder where she went." I walk through the kitchen, opening the fridge to see if there's any snacks that I could quickly shove in my mouth. After finding absolutely nothing, I turn to the counter to find a couple of leftover oatmeal cookies. I shove half of one of the cookies in my mouth and quickly take out my phone to dial up my mom.

I press on her contact number and put the phone up to my ear. Bending my head so my phone is held between my ear and shoulder, I open the fridge once again to pull out the milk and I take off the cap and bring the milk up to my lips to drink and refresh myself.


Please leave a message for 1773-5...

"Ugh, gosh mom, I thought you said you had no work today." I mumble to myself after closing my phone and putting it back into my back pocket of my ripped-up skinny jeans.

I look down, only to see that I've spilled some milk onto my favorite Harry Potter t-shirt. I groan, putting the milk back into the refrigerator.

I grab my backpack and run up the short stairs into my room. I keep the door wide open; one of the biggest rules in this house. I unzip my bag, looking at my assignment notebook to check if I have any homework that I didn't complete during free study.





Medicine&Health- check.

P.E.-No Homework.

I smile, already feeling better about not having any homework left. Although my image doesn't fit it, I'm actually an awesome student. 4.0 GPA, involved with Honors Society and other charity groups at school. I also volunteer outside of school, at children's hospitals and homeless shelters.

I'm obviously getting into Brown. Well, hopefully.

I was able to distract myself with thoughts of college and my future for a few minutes, until I remembered that I have to go figure out where the hell my mom went. She never has work on Fridays.

I take out my phone again, and set it on my desk, redialing her phone number a couple of times. Only to be answered by that stupid answering machine.

Please leave message at 1773-58...

I gave up on trying to get a hold of my mom and ended up calling my one and only friend.

There's only one person who could tolerate me.

I unlocked my iPhone again and started dialing.

"Ay yo Bash!" I shout in a New York accent into my phone once I hear him answer.

My Own Time MachineWhere stories live. Discover now