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(((Might not be uploading the first chapter of the next book for some time.. bare with me please.)))

Lies Of A Washed Up Prom Queen

I gathered my coat around me tightly as I was cleared to walk into the building. A police officer accompanied me as we walked down the hallways toward her cell. Past convicted murders, rapists and anyone else who defied the law. It was shame they were all women, you wouldn’t think us capable of such heartless crimes. My sister, she most definitely wasn’t supposed to be here. This wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t her fault she was not all right in the head. I’m sure she wouldn’t have done those things to her boyfriend, his best friend and his best friends’ fiancée without a reason, right? Every person has a reason why they do these things and she’s not without hers. I had been seeing her ever since I found out about this a couple of days ago. They had called me at work, a club in LA. I was a waitress that also did a couple of dancers on the pole and stripped every now and then. I couldn’t believe it when I had found out about the guys I had waited on that evening. They did this to her? Or rather she did this to them. I went to go see her, her case hadn’t gone that well and I didn’t think so. We never talked that much, she was adopted into our family and I didn’t like her much. But not she was the only family I had and I was determined to help her any way I can. So taking the money I had earned that day, quite a lot and dipping into my savings I had bailed her out. Not without discovering her reason so doing these things.

“I’m so sorry, for everything.” She cried into the phone just the night before I came to get her. “I really don’t know what came over me. I just, he reminded me him.” She paused and I assumed she was talking about our dad.. lets just say he wasn’t much of a father to us. “And, I I just couldn’t take it, I wanted to do so much wrong to him that he did to me.” I sighed, looking into her eyes. “But Danny Worsnop did nothing to you..” She cried some more and shrugged wiping her face. I bit my lip, she had a bi-polar disorder and had just went back on her meds. “What about that girl? Why did you try to kill her?” She shrugged, “she looked like our mother! That bitch did nothing for us!” I fought back the urge to roll my eyes. I struggled to find any more reasons to not like these people. I sighed, “Ok, I’ll get you tomorrow.” She smiled happily and thanked me.

Her cell was unlocked and she ran into my arms. “Kandice!” She exclaimed, “thank you so much.” I shrugged.

“So did this guy really hurt you? Come on there has to be something else he did, he doesn’t look like dad at all..” I whispered the last part and let the sentence trail off. I remembered last night, after leaving Mr. Bruce alone, Worsnop came along to show me a good time. I blushed deeply and looked to her for an answer as I drove us back to my apartment. “Well..um, you know you can’t trust people in bands, always around so many women. I’m sure he cheated on me.” She rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair. “Mhm, what about um.. Allison?”

“Alexandria!” She yelled back at me, I glared over to her and she looked out of the window. “She lived with them, come one no doubt they both probably had her fill of them. She just recently picked Ben and boom she’s pregnant, that’s the only reason why they got married I’m sure.” I nodded, only half believing her story. “Did you like Ben?” She smiled then, her face brightening up. “He was so nice.. and Alexandria hated me.” She laughed and rolled her eyes. Of course, I’d hate you too if you tried to steal someone I liked. I don’t know, I pondered what she told me. I didn’t know what to believe about her any more. After my dad went to jail and mom died she kinda lost it and began attending that college to get away, she did tell me she would create a new life for herself. But I found it hard to believe, Brooke was actually crazy. I’ll take care of her from now on and hopefully she’ll get better.

Brooke’s POV

I watched as Kandy tucked me into bed that night before leaving to go back to work. I snuggled into the sheets. She was so nice to come help me out, even though I know she never cared too much for me. We don’t have anyone but each other now. My mind wandered on to thoughts of Ben Bruce, I have heard on the radio that he got married today. Ugh, I rolled my eyes. Probably to Alexandria Purdy. But does he really love her? He was so nice to me to invite me along to help them with her pregnancy. Who does that anyway? Alex was probably so jealous, hmm they could have gotten married because of the baby. Right, he doesn’t really love her and I still have a shot. Things were falling into place already.

Now I just had to figure out where they lived. Hmm, and I have just the person to do it.

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