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((Thanks for all the reads on my other story ^^ Vote. Comment. Thanks!)))

“Am I insane?

 I ask myself over and over and over again..

…am I alone?

 Surrounded by shadows

 I think I might just be suffocating.. I alone surrounded by death?

 I think this might just be the end..”

The beeping was all that filled his mind. Finally, finally she was stable. She was stable.. she was stable..

The words were all he could think about. It had been a week since she landed in the hospital, a week since she had lost too much blood, her brain was starving of oxygen, it had been a week since she fell into a coma.

Ben sat in her room, holding a coffee cup tight in his hands. They said she could wake up at any time, she could respond to anything. A voice, a touch, something, somehow she could wake up. But she could also die. In seconds she could be taken away without warning, any moment could be her last. It could be the last time he’d see her. The last time he’d glimpse her beautiful face.

Ben couldn’t bear the thought of losing her, he refused to even think she would die. But when they heard news that she had slipped into a coma he almost lost it..


“Ben! Ben! Ben! Calm down!” My breath had caught in my throat and I began shaking uncontrollably, what? Sh-she’s in a coma? What does this mean? What does this mean? I ran my hands in my hair, gripping the locks tightly. Holy shit! I held my head in my hands, closing my eyes tight and screamed for what seemed like forever. That’s how long I wanted to scream, forever. There was just nothing, I couldn’t hear anything and no one was there. I was all alone in my mind. I felt like the world had disappeared and it had, she was my world.

“Ben! Ben!” Danny’s voice echoed in my head and I turned towards him. My screams had ended but we were asked to leave the hospital, at least for now. We were disturbing the other patients and guests. “Ben, come on we have to leave.” Danny urged me, taking my arm he led me out and I followed like a zombie. Sammi had broken down into tears and Ella walked out with her and Jake. Ashley was talking to the doctors trying to get more information, he couldn’t accept this. CC was still trying to get ahold of Andy who had disappeared after getting into a fight with me and flipping off his band and mine.

I could care less about him, about them too but especially him. At least she told him, she could have waited until he found out and then explained everything but no she had the balls to tell him then and look what’s happened. She’s gone.

I stood outside with the guys as they tried to calm me. My face was wet with tears I didn’t even know were flowing and I was still shaking erratically. “Calm down, mate she’ll be ok.” Danny said, taking me into his arms and hugging me tight. My breathing was still ragged but I wasn’t responding. His hug was warm and so comforting something I needed right now. I melted into him, crying harder. “Danny, she’s gone.” I finally said hugging back. “She’ll come back, Ben.” Danny whispered, rubbing my back. My shaking quieted some but gave way to my sobs. I didn’t care if people saw me cry, I lost someone so dear to me.. so special.

It took me a while to get quiet but we didn’t go back inside. We sat outside waiting for news from Ashley. I sat next to Danny, my head laying on his shoulder. The cool California air calmed me a bit and I felt a little better but there was still a hole forming in my chest. “You alright, mate?” Danny asked, looking over to me, I swallowed and shook my head. “I’m so numb.” I croaked.

Ashley came out a few minutes later. “Good news guys.” I blinked, sitting up as we all looked over to him. “The odds aren’t as bad as they seem, she actually has a good chance at waking up.” I sighed softly, a bit of relief filling me. But just a little. Oh great she’d wake up. But when?

“How soon?” Danny asked, seemingly reading my mind. Ashley’s face fell, “they predict at least in a month.” I froze. A month?? I’m going to be without her for a month?? I wanted to scream again. I took a deep breath and laid my head back on Danny’s shoulder. Fuck my life, why her? Why her? ..


Ben had been visiting her every day, although he had classes but he made sure he saw her. He had to make sure she didn’t go away. Ashley would also visit her but every other day, at times Sammi and Ella would come over. They finally found Andy, he was over at his old girlfriend, Juliet Simms’s place. Ben was sure he was finished with Alexandria and was back with Juliet now but he caught him coming in to see her one day. He came to the door and peered in, with a saddened look on his face but one glance at Ben sitting in the corner and he tore away from the room, leaving just as quietly as he had arrived. Ben could tell Andy was still quite angry at him and angry at Asking Alexandria, he forgave the rest of Black Veil Brides though. Of course he would he wouldn’t break up his band just because of a girl. She was just a girl but not to Ben, to Ben she was way more than that. She was his life.  

The clock was ticking loudly and it was almost lunch time, he had been there since visiting hours started, skipping all his classes that day. Just this once, he told himself. He set his coffee cup down and slowly stood up, walking over to the bed where she lay, “sleeping”. She was like sleeping beauty. Maybe a kiss would wake her up? He thought and smiled softly to himself. Her face was just as beautiful as always, slightly paled skin, long dark hair flowing around her. Her arms were bandaged still from that night and so were her legs. He sighed softly, he couldn’t believe she had did those things because of all the stress he put her through. Andy had told Ashley why she cut and in turn he told Ben when he questioned it. Although he would have liked to hear it from her, hold her tight when she cried..

He frowned at her unmoving face, “you could have just told me.. then you wouldn’t be in this mess.” He sighed softly, “Alexandria.”

“But you wanted to make things right.” Ben allowed a small smile to come across his face and he stroked her cheek lightly. “Always tried to do the right thing, even though it led you here.”

He bent down slowly and kissed her cheek. “I love you, Alexandria..” He whispered, a tear falling down his cheek and onto hers. “So much.” He continued on to kiss her lips softly. “Please wake up.” He blinked back tears now as he leaned back, watching her face for any signs of life. Nothing.

After watching for a few more minutes he moved to walk back to his seat. He sighed, looking at the clock, his stomach rumbled and he bit his lip. I should go eat, he nodded to himself and grabbed his cup from the floor. He turned for a few minutes, gazing at his angel. “See ya tomorrow, Love.”

He turned to leave and a slightly rustling sound echoed in his ear. He froze halfway out the door. He heard another noise come from in the room, covers being pulled back. A light bloomed so brightly in his chest, Ben thought he’d die from excitement.

“Ben?” A small voice asked. Ben turned slowly and a smile, a real smile spread across his face, a few tears flowed down his face. She looked so lovely, the light coming in through the window lit her features up so she looked like an angel from heaven. The Styrofoam cup fell from Ben’s hand and he rushed over to her. “Alexandria.” He breathed, holding her in his arms, she laughed quietly snuggling into his embrace. “Hey.” She whispered softly, running a hand through his hair. Ben’s mouth was on hers in seconds and he kissed her deeply and passionately, holding her tight against him. She flinched a bit away from him, feeling pressure on her thighs and her arms stung some. He pulled back, “I’m so glad to see you, alive, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.” She giggled “and I’m glad to be alive.”

“..but now I'm back

 And I'm better than ever.”

((((Good? Bad? Lyrics from The Death Of Me by Asking Alexandria on their new album From Death To Destiny. cx I'm loving it so fuckin much btw!!)))

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