Terrornuckle: No Matter What

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Play the song as you read if ya want :3

Brock looked at himself in the mirror, he felt hollow. After his girlfriend left him, he couldn't even force a smile on his face. He hadn't done anything on his YouTube channel lately, which worried his friends. Especially Brian. But nonetheless, Brock walked downstairs and ate a sandwich he made. His phone rang and he looked at who it was. It was Brian, so Brock just sighed and answered it. "Hey Brock! How are you? You haven't done much lately and-" "I'm fine, it's just, I'm having a hard time coping." It went silent, then Brian started talking again.

"Can't believe she left you, you're an amazing person. Need company?" Brock took a sip of his juice and set the glass down. "No, I'm fine. I-I'm fine-" "Yeeeaaaahhhhh, I'm coming over." Brock's eyes widened a bit. "What?! No, Brian-" but Brian had already hung up the phone. Brock groaned and washed the dishes, afterward, he decided to go on Facebook. Then the doorbell rang multiple times. Brock got up and opened it only to see Brian. He smiled and entered the house. "You didn't have to come." Brian rolled his eyes and plopped down on the couch.

"Aw c'mon, just trying to cheer you up." Brock scrolled on Facebook and saw a new picture posted up by his ex. The caption read, "Out with new BF! He's such a good guy, love him! ❤️" Brock's lip trembled and felt tears fall down his cheeks. "Brock?" Brian looked on the screen and scrunched up his face in disgust. He took Brock's phone, turned it off, and set it on the coffee table, (of course he got out of Facebook first). Brian embraced Brock in a tight hug. "She made a mistake leaving you, you deserve better." Brock wiped his tears and nodded. "Hey, you know what? Let's go somewhere fun."

Brock raised an eyebrow but shrugged. Before Brock could say another word, they were out and driving in Brian's car. "Where exactly are we going?" They drove to a Chick-fil-a and ate in the car. "Not here, I was just hungry. But it's a surprise." Brian put a blindfold on Brock and they started driving again. "I hope no one thinks you're taking me hostage." Brock chuckled. It seemed as though Brian had brightened Brock's day. He forgot all about his ex, he forgot all other troubles. He was just happy.

The car came to a halt and Brian got out the car. He helped Brock out and grabbed his hand and led him to this place. They hiked up a hill and Brian mtook off Brock's blindfold. He was amazed at the lovely field before him.

"Wow, B-Brian, I never knew this field was here

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"Wow, B-Brian, I never knew this field was here." He smiled and both sat down in the grass. "How about we do some Tumblr stuff." Brian grabbed a couple of flowers and started weaving them together. "TA DAAAAA!" Brian yelled, holding up a flower crown. He placed it on Brock's head then made one for himself. Brock took some selfies of him and Brian with their flower crowns on and pictures of the field. "Hey, I know you guys broke up not to long ago, but," Brian stood up and held his hand out, "would you like to be my boyfriend?" Brock looked up at him. "It's ok if you don't want to, it's just, if she wants to move on quickly, then I'd like to make you happy, rather than let you suffer."

Brock started to let the tears fall and grabbed hold of Brian's hand. He was pulled up by Brian and instantly hugged him. "Yes I'll be yours." Brian picked up Brock and twirled him around. He placed his lips on Brock and felt a jolt of joy. It was as thought fireworks were set off in Brock's mind. They smiled at each other. Both were laughed and raced to the car afterwards. As they drove off, Brock felt happy, he felt put together. Once they arrived, they stood in the doorway of the house. "You sure you wanna go?"

Brian smirked and walked in the house. "Ehhhhh nope. I rather stay here with you." He and Brock cuddled on the couch and watched some TV. "Heh, I love you." Brian felt his heart warm up more. "Love you too. I'll stay with you for a long time." "How long?"


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