H2OVanoss Can Be So Sad

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Just a short story peeps! Hope you enjoy. It's told in a 3rd person point of view. Play music when told.

Delirious stood under a tree and looked at the sunset. He missed Evan, and cried every night. Evan passed away due to suicide. Delirious remembered why it happened and hated himself.

The True Story~
Evan left to hang out with an old friend named Sabrina. Though Evan never said when he'd come back from hanging out. Jonathan knew he would be at a park, one that Jonathan wanted to go to with him. He felt his jealousy overcome him and he left to the park. Jonathan asked Luke to go with him and make it seem as if they were passing by. Once at the park, Delirious saw Evan and Sabrina taking a selfie and just talking. "You jealous?" Luke joked. Jonathan blushed and looked away.

"N-No I'm not! I just wanna look out for Evan. He's my boyfriend!" Jonathan said. Evan was about to leave since it was already 8:30 and he wanted to get home before nine. But Sabrina pulled him to her quickly. "Evan, I love you. Please stay!" She said. Evan tried to push her away but Sabrina managed to kiss Evan. He didn't know why, but he started to like it. But stopped himself before she could go any further. "E-Evan?!" Jonathan yelled. Evan pushed Sabrina off and saw Jonathan and Luke.

Both were wide eyed and shocked. "I thought you loved me!" Jonathan cried. "No I do love you! You don't understand! She-" Luke stepped in Evan's way. Anger was in his eyes as he looked at Evan with disgust. Jonathan tried to rub away the hot tears that fell. "Get away from Jon! You worthless asshole, go away with your ugly side chick!" Luke yelled. Evan grew angry with Luke, he couldn't even explain what happened! "Wait Jon!" Evan yelled. But he got no response.

Then Delirious said something he'd regret. "I-I Hate You Evan!" Jon yelled. Sabrina was startled by all this and had left quickly. She felt nothing but guilt. Evan was taken aback as he looked at Jonathan who was no longer crying. But instead had fury in his eyes. Tears fell onto Evan's cheeks as he looked to the ground. Luke put an arm around Jonathan as he took him to his car and drove to his house. Now Evan was alone, no one there to help him now. He walked to his car and drove home. (Play music now!)

Once he got there his phone blew up with messages from his friends. Evan sat on his bed and played some depressing music as he read the messages. It was a group chat.

Tyler: Dude, did you really mean to cheat?

Craig: Evan? Buddy?

Evan: No, I didn't, Sabrina just went up and kissed me saying she loved me. I didn't even get to speak and reject her!

Marcel: You gotta tell Jon!

David: Dude, you ok?

Lui: Evan answer!

Evan: I'm not ok! Luke won't let me near Jon, I don't know how, he won't answer my calls.

It was true, Evan called Jonathan 5 times and all went straight to voicemail. He got up and drove to Luke's place and knocked on the door. Luckily, Jonathan answered it. He sighed and looked at Jonathan. Both of them had red eyes from crying. "Jon, please. Let me talk babe-" "Don't call me that!" Jon snapped. Evan flinched at it since it was so sudden. "I didn't mean to do what I did! Sabrina told me she loved me and just kissed me before I could reject her I swear!" Jon looked at his feet.

Evan thought maybe Jonathan trusted him, but got a slap to the face instead. "Sure you did! Didn't you tell her you were dating someone?!" Jon yelled. "I did but she still did it!" Evan put his hand on his cheek, it stung a lot. Luke was behind Jonathan, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Leave Evan, I don't want to see you ever again." Luke patted Jonathan's back as he left into the house. "Evan, just go." Luke said. Evan felt his hands shake and he cried.

He drove home feeling empty, nothing was left inside him. Evan was worthless, a nobody. Once he was home, he went to his garage and found rope. He took that and a chair to his room. Evan tied the rope into a noose and swung it over a hook on the ceiling. There was a decoration there once but he took it down. Evan was sure it would support his weight. The rope was secured on the hook and the chair was placed under it.

Evan wrote his suicide note and left it on his desk on his keyboard. Evan closed his door and texted his friends goodbye. Everyone was alarmed at what might happen. Especially Jon. Evan placed his head through the noose and his body trembled. He cried, this wasn't how he wanted to end his life. But he couldn't live without Jonathan in it. The thought of his love hating him now made him cry harder but he stopped as he was about to kick the chair.

"I'm so sorry...Jonathan..."

Evan kicked the chair, his last moments were of agony. He died at 10:30 pm.

The next day Jonathan, Luke, and everyone went to check on Evan. Since Jonathan had a spare key he got in. He wanted to apologize to Evan and try to make up. He brought a stuffed owl and Evan's favorite chocolate. Jonathan went upstairs and opened the door to Evan's room. Jonathan gasped and dropped the gifts. "No, E-Evan!" Jonathan yelled. Everyone ran upstairs and were shocked at the sight.

Jonathan got Evan down and held him close and sobbed. "I'm so sorry Evan! I didn't mean what I did!" Jonathan shut his eyes tightly. They took Evan to the hospital, even though it wouldn't do much. Even the doctor started to cry with them. As well as the nurses, it was devastating.

Evan's funeral was a month later. The gang couldn't believe he was gone and they couldn't have him back. As the casket descended into the ground, Jonathan fell to his knees and cried. Everyday he visited Evan's grave, in the morning, and night.

One day Jon came with a red rose and a blue rose. Their stems were intertwined together and were hard to separate. Just like Evan and Jonathan. "H-Hey Evan. How are you? I'm...fine." Jonathan said. Before he knew it Jon broke down in tears and hugged Evan's gravestone. He looked at the sunset, not knowing an angel was sitting beside him. Hugging him tightly. Evan wrapped his wings around Jon and watched out for him as his guardian angel now.

This was sad to write. I literally started to cry as I wrote this short story. Hope you enjoyed though.

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