Chapter 2

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It was the first day of senior year. Just over one week since the accident, things were better, I mostly hid in my room drawing or reading and occasionally the guys would come take over the house. I still had my cast on my arm and mum had hers on her leg. Making dinner between us was quite a laugh.

"Katie come on" Liam yelled from the kitchen, the boys all came to pick me up since neither mum or I can drive, they've kinda been our taxi. I slipped on my converse staring at my appearance. I looked like shit. My curly hair was thrown in a bun whilst I was wearing back skinny jeans and a grey sweater and of course my sling and cast topped off the whole look. I tried to cover the bags under my eyes with make up but gave up and washed it off "coming" jogging into the kitchen all here boys looked at me "Kate you look shocking" Eli chuckles.
"I'm aware but this is as good as it's gonna get. I can hardly wash my hair with one arm, nor control the curls or frizz and sweatshirts are the only comfy thing with a sling. Let go" I was exhausted and well aware my appearance resembled the grim reaper. Liam and Eli ran out to Liam's car whilst Jace grabbed my book bag with a small smile and nod. He'd been quite lately but the most helpful.

"IS IT TOO LAGE NOW TO SAY SORRY, COS IM MISSING MORE THAN YOUR BODY" Eli and Liam screamed from the front seat as we pulled up to the school. Jace grabbed my bag again although I insisted carrying it but no, it was as if I was a wall, he completely ignored me.

"Well this is gonna be fun" I mumbled as we walked towards the two glass door.
"Hey you've got us K" Eli squeezed my hand letting it go. A gesture that actually calmed me down. Everyone at school knew, I mean Cameron was quite a social guy, friends with a lot of people and his passing would effect a lot of people but I don't want that pity or attention and that's exactly what I got as we walked through the two doors.

Jace was on my right with my bag protecting my broken arm whilst Liam and Eli were on my left. It was like some slow motion scene from a movie, when all the cool kids walked in and everyone moved and stared, well that's what it was like but we were getting stared at cos we were the dead boys sister and friends.

"Katie how are you?"
"I'm so sorry guys"
"Katie let me give you a hug"
"I'll miss cam"
"I'm sorry boys"
They kept coming, people trying to comfort us but it made it worse. "Guys move out of the way" Eli yelled pushing me through the people crowding the halls till we got to our lockers.
The others followed, I sat on a bench as the boys dealt with their lockers "you okay K?" I nodded putting on my best smile for Liam which was only a little twitch of the mouth "you know we could just leave" Eli suggested "yeah go to the ice cream pallor like old times " that was Jace adding his suggestion.

"How about we just go to English like any other day" they all nodded at my decision but they didn't hide their worry very well.
This was going to be one hell of a day.

Hope you enjoyed this. It's only short I know, I wrote it on my iPad in the train station. Should update very soon.

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