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"You are leaving in a few days Katie"

"Oh really mum I wasn't aware"

"I give up, I'm going to work, have a good day see you later" I smirked sipping my coffee happy to be left in peace. Mum has been drilling me about leaving, I'm all organised and have everything packed believe it or not, she's just like to keep reminding me and making me feel guilty for starting something i can't commit to with Jace. At first it was funny but now she seriously has to chill. 

Just when i thought i was left in peace my phone buzzed beside me, not surprisingly it was a message from Jace.

Jace: Can i come over?

Me: since when do you ask haha

Jace: we really need to talk K.

Me: okay, come over then

Jace: be there soon.

Usually i wouldn't be so concerned but Jace was so serious, and call my a crazy psycho over analyzing everything but there was full stops. You don't need to be a moron to know full stops are bad news. Me and Jace are travelling well, come simple kisses and some heated out make out sessions whilst avoiding my injury thanks to Liam's arse. I made him feel extremly guilty about the whole situation and he actually brought me a tub of ice cream so i forgave him and his fat arse. Liam and ice cream is beside the point though, me and Jace are going well. I know I'm leaving but I'll be back and we can make it work.

"Hey" Jace smiled walking through the door to the couch, i moved for him to sit beside me but he sat across from me on the arm chair. I switched off the tv smiling at him "hey, are you alright, you sounded pretty blunt in the messages?" his whole entire appearance looked nervous and exhausted as if he's been walking around town in the crazy winter wind for hours.

"I've been walking around your block for 2 hours trying to grow the balls to come here" shit i was right. Jackpot. Wait why's he nervous? Maybe he's making it official? Shut up Katie. 

"Why? You don't need to stress around me Jace" I stood up from my position on the couch and went and kneeled infront of him on the ground since i didn't want to flop ontop of him.

"I know its just...well , its just i cant help it. I was worried about your reaction"

"reaction to what Jace? Just tell me?"

"i don't think we should be together" i stumbled back almost falling on my injured side "fuck Katie be careful" he leant forward offering his hand but i couldn't move. I sat there on the floor just staring at him "say something dammit"


"what do you mean what?"

"you are calling us quits, before we are even an us? Why?"

"You are leaving Katie, it will just be too hard and well, fuck i dont know, it just won't work"

"it just won't work, you are a coward Jace. Your running away from a commitment" the tears spilled from my eyes without permission but they had damn good reason too. This stupid boy just ripped my heart from my chest. Everything we've been through, how could he "how can you do this?"

"do you think i want to Katie. This kills me to do this but i have to"

"you don't have to do anything" i spat glaring through teary vision  "take it back, I'll forgive you, we can make it work" i sounded like a desperate broken hearted girl but hey guess what? That is exactly what i am.  

"I can't I'm sorry" he started walking towards the door before spinning around to face me again "if i knew it could work and i knew i wasn't holding you back Katie i would be holding onto us for dear life, I love you and always will"

"Jace, you can't say you love me then leave me. No, come here, please" i sobbed stumbling to my feet "you aren't holding me back, i want to be with you, i think i love you too. Just please" i saw that stray tear fall down his cheek and the way he bowed his head to cover it, make himself seem tough and put together but i can see through him and he knows that "please" i reached out but he stepped back just shaking his head. 

"i can't I'm sorry"

"if you walk out of here Jace don't you come back"

"I have to do this Katie, i knew you wouldn't understand but i just have to. I'll see you before you leave i promise"

"no. stay with me"

"I'm sorry" he mumbled walking out the door. I tried to reach for him but only grasped thin air. I'm not lying when i said he sprinted to his car "DONT BE A FUCKING COWARD JACE" I screamed running out to the street, i have to make him stay, i can make him stay, i love him, he loves me, we are meant to be together "JACE" i screamed tears streaming down my cheeks "Jace" i tried crossing the street but after one glance at me he drove off leaving me shattered, broken and alone on a curb in the brisk wind with the full understanding of how painful a broken heart really is.


short i know but a little bit of drama .bloody Jace. How could he!!! 

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, don't forget to like, comment and vote if you feel like it! Much love xx

Her 3 BoysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora