Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


"Harry have a visitor" The man in the blue uniform said to the curly-haired boy through the bars. His cell door was unlocked and pair of handcuffs were put on him before he was allowed to step outside the metal room. Harry could feel his lips curve up into a slight smile, despite the fact that he was behind bars, locked up for something he shouldn't even be responsible for, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that his blue-eyed boyfriend, if he was allowed to call him that, was here ready to get Harry out of captivity.

He saw a shadowy figure approach, the man whose face was not quite visible walked, running his hand nosily along the bars in the nearby prison cells. Two guards accompanied him, making sure the visitor wasn't made a victim or anything of the sort. 

Harry was about to scream his love's name, ready to envelope him in a hug that he so desperately needed, but he was stopped in his tracks once he saw who the visitor actually was. 

It was a person that Harry expected to be nowhere near a jail or the police or anywhere he could be arrested. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked his boss that awaited him. 

"Gentlemen, if you could please give us some privacy" Derek said in general but referring to the guards that as per request did leave. "Harry, aren't you glad to see me?" He asked in such a sinister way; it made the younger boy cringe. 

Harry didn't exactly know what the answer Derek expected, or what the answer should be. On one hand, Derek could be one of the only people that could prove Harry innocent and get him out of the prison, but on the other hand why would he? Why would Mr. Derek Samuels put his life at risk, prove himself guilty to make Harry innocent? 

"Are you here to get me out?" The green-eyed lad asked warily, with hesitation in his voice 

However Harry's question was not entirely answered the way he needed it to be. "Maybe. Why did you help him escape?" Derek asked, responding to Harry's question with a question of his own. 

Harry's first instinct was to bluntly say "I'm in love with him" but that answer would do remotely nothing to help his situation. "Why did you even kidnap him?" Harry asked. It seemed that they both had questions that required proper answers they never got. 

"Thought that was obvious...I needed money. And as far as I remember so did you. You agreed to this didn't you? You are guilty" Derek said over-confidently, looking at Harry but Harry just couldn't match his gaze. 

"Then why aren't you behind bars too?" Harry asked using the bit of courage he found in himself. 

"You can't prove I did anything. I never had an appointment with you, I never hired you, I never gave you anything, I never told you to do anything. This is your crime. You did it all. You can go tell everyone that I'm a criminal but who's going to believe you without proof?" Derek finished, his head held high. He got away easy, left no trace that this might be his doing. He left and Harry's stuck in prison...again. 

“At least tell me who called the police?” Harry asked out of the sake of knowing and he was sure that Derek would know.

“What’s yours truly for?” He replied smugly, ready to walk out, clearly not needing to say anything more.

Right as their conversation finished the guards returned to escort Derek out and to lock up Harry once again. 

Quite ironic, how Harry was once the boy that kept a captive, and now he became one. He used to hold Louis hostage for money, and now here he was being held behind bars until he was bailed out or proven innocent. 

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