Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


There he was, Louis William Tomlinson, ordering his usual Yorkshire tea, no milk, no sugar, at the small cafe down the street from his house, like he's been doing everyday at 6 am for the past two weeks. Or at least as long as Harry's been watching him.

Harry's been keeping a close eye on Louis for a while now, watching his every move, his every habit, but not getting himself seen at all. He liked it that way, he had to know everything about Louis, and know the perfect time to take him. At a time where he was without security, in a small unknown place, without a crowd to witness the crime. This cafe was the perfect location.

The boy hid in the alley next to the building, pulling up to hood of his battered old black jacket, trying to hide his recognizable curly locks. He also pulled the collar up, trying to hide his facial features as best as possible, but still keeping his eyes peeled. He crouched on the ground in the small passage, the new dirt stains from the ground adding to the several that were sprawled on his jeans, as he tried to hide to the best of his ability. Harry was a big guy, it was hard for him not to get seen, but he tried.

After seconds, Louis exited the coffee shop, making it obvious by the ringing of the bell that sounded as the door opened. He waltzed down the walkway, oblivious to the 19 year old hiding only steps away, with a rag sprayed with sleeping gas, ready to steal him. Harry walked right behind Louis, holding his breath trying not to make a sound from the close proximity.

In the blink of an eye, the younger boy had suffocated the older boy with the knockout gas, watching him faint with a struggle in his arms. He looked around to make sure no one had seen him, even though they were the only two that littered the road at 6 am. He picked up Louis with ease, resting his arms behind his neck and knees, and dragging him to his newly owned Range Rover, the sole car parked on the empty street.

His intention was to roughly drop the unconscious boy in the back seat, but he couldn't force himself to be so coarse with Louis. His gorgeous face and feminine figure evoked a bit of delicate and careful handling. So he gently laid the fragile boy in the back seat, making sure to buckle him up, as best as he could, making sure he wouldn't fall.

He got to the driver's seat in the car, turning it on and driving off right away, knowing the small amount of gas he'd inhaled won't hold Louis unconscious for too long. He drove fast, yet carefully, through the 40 minute ride, looking back every couple minutes to assure Louis's safety.

Once he reached the new flat, he gently picked up Louis, same way as before, and took him up to their temporary home. He walked into the flat, being greeted by the lavish living room, and walked down the hall to the room Louis would be staying in, the room that was supposed to be Harry's but then again, Louis would need the master bedroom far more than him. If Louis was going to be held against his will, at least he should be comfortable. He laid him gently on the soft king sized bed, propping Louis's head up on the fluffed pillow and tucking him in like he would to a 4 year old. He forced himself to walk out and leave the precious angelic figure, locking the door from the outside like he was told to.

"Derek, I got him, he's in the bedroom right now" Harry said on his new iPhone to his boss. He was told to call him once the first phase was done.

"Good job, I knew I could trust you. I'll make the call to his people and let you know when they'll pick him up and drop off the money" He replied smugly. He seemed really happy, but with him about to get £500,000, Harry understood exactly what he was going through, considering he was pretty excited too.

Harry waited for the sound of a scream or a crash, notifying him the Louis was awake, but he never heard it. Six hours later, once Harry had cleaned, done his laundry, ate breakfast and made lunch, he started to get worried. Louis should've been up, he didn't inhale too much of the gas, he should've gained consciousness by now. Negative thoughts were racing through Harry's mind, what if something happened to Louis?

He couldn't afford for Louis to be harmed in any way. It would ruin his job, he wouldn't get his money. Not to mention a completely innocent human being would've been in grave danger.

After he swallowed his lunch as fast as he could, he went to the master bedroom to check up on Louis. He pulled up his hood once again, and his collar, not wanting the hostage to know his identity. Gently unlocking the door, while balancing the plate of tacos he'd made for Louis, he walked in, the door automatically locking behind him. The sight he saw was a surprise. Louis was wide awake, sitting cross-legged in the bed, staring distantly into mid-air. Harry walked carefully towards the bed, not wanting to draw attention to himself, and set the plate of freshly prepared lunch in front of him. He turned to walk out the door, when the voice of the older boy stopped him.

"Why am I here?" He asked bluntly. It was the first time Harry had heard his voice, and although it was filled with hurt and disappointment, its pureness seemed to give him goosebumps.

"It's my job. We need the money" Harry replied not turning around, and trying to deepen his voice to sound intimidating, also not letting Louis hear his real voice. He walked out, without another word, locking the door from the outside once again.

Louis sat all alone, not touching the food that the younger boy had brought him. He was dying of hunger, being up for a couple hours now; he was in desperate need for water too. However no matter how much the food tempted him, he wouldn't give in. Giving in meant giving up, letting the boy win, might as well give him the money too. But Louis wouldn't give up so easily, he was strong enough to last through this.

The other boy was doing this for money, but if he didn't get the money, Louis would be useless to him, and he would let him go. He couldn't really do anything to Louis; he couldn't hurt him or beat him, that would defeat the purpose of holding him hostage. Louis really had nothing to worry about, as long as the other boy didn't get the money, and resisted all that he was forced.

He looked around the room, searching for something to occupy his time, hopefully something silent. There was a TV but Louis was never the one to be into those pointless reality shows or the over-the-top dramas. Other than that, the bed and the desk in the corner, the room was relatively empty, not leaving Louis with too much to do.

He walked over to the desk and found a blank notepad and a black ink pen lying on top of it. He grabbed the two objects and walked back to the bed, situating himself comfortably against the headboard, as he started to draw.

He loved to draw, it helped him escape his state of mind, and it didn't hurt that he was a true and talented artist either. He moved the pen so effortlessly against the white of the notebook, his hand moving in such a fluid motion, the lines and shapes evolving slowly into a proper drawing. Even Louis didn't know what exactly he was drawing; he just scribbled whatever came to mind.

The harsh lines that made their way across the paper, and the ink that was starting to seep through because of the immense pressure being put on the pen, they were all signs of the anger that was being released into the drawing. He took an overall look at the piece he had created, and he was horrified of what his subconscious mind had come up with.

It was his abductor that was his muse for the creation. Only he was overlapped with dark lines slashed on his face. He made that boy look like such a monster, but then again, to Louis, that's exactly what Harry was. A Monster.

And that's how Harry felt about himself too. He knew that what he did was absolutely wrong and cruel. He knew he was a monster too, it hadn't dawned on him until he saw the poor boy in captivity, and that's why he was collapsed outside Louis's room, bawling his eyes out. He struggled to stifle his cries, not wanting Louis to hear.

Harry was so disgusted with himself; he promised himself he wouldn't do something so terrible after his time in juvie, ever again. And yet, here he was holding hostage one of the richest people in the world. The guilt was eating him alive, the pressure, and the stakes. But he very well knew he couldn't back out of this now. Derek would skin him alive if Harry quit now.

He couldn't return Louis yet, but the least he could do was apologize. He could show he was sorry, that this wasn't his idea, and that he was just a small part of someone else's plan. He could be a bit nicer to Louis, and not make feel so pathetic.

Harry cautiously opened the door, peeking his head through. He saw Louis just sitting on the bed, so invested in whatever he was writing on that notepad. A rescue letter, no doubt, he assumed. He looked so peaceful and under that small smile that danced upon his lips, he could sense a bit of happiness, making Harry feel a bit better about this whole situation. He didn't pay so much attention to this man until now, his flawless cerulean eyes, his soft brown hair that brushed over them repeatedly the more he pushed it away. He had the focus showing on his face, his pink tongue poking out. He looked adorable. Harry went to sit on the edge of the bed, catching the blue-eyed boy's attention, as the edge of the bed sunk down.

Louis became apprehensive of Harry's presence, hiding his masterpiece right away, obviously not wanting Harry to see what Louis thought of him.

Truthfully, Louis didn't hate this kid, he knew that this boy beside him was not the mastermind behind this, he actually felt bad for him since he was probably just a pawn in someone else's scheme.

Louis stared attentively at the boy whose name he still didn't know, the boy he could only identify as green eyed, hooded and covered. He felt a bit vulnerable for the first time since he was taken. He was open to this man's judgment, sitting without a cover for his looks, while he sat opposite with his face covered, only enough space left to be able to see his eyes.

Harry stared right back, hoping something would end the awkward silence that had settled around them. He found it hard to keep eye contact with the feathered hair boy for so long; to face the sorrow in his eyes, which Harry had caused. He couldn't bear to look there and feel guilt and regret that had take form in those deep blue eyes. He let his own drift off, until they landed on the untouched plate of food resting on the other side of the king sized bed.

"You didn't eat lunch" Harry pointed out subtly, trying not to provoke Louis. He picked up the porcelain plate from the white covers, where it blended in perfectly, and set it down in front of the boy sitting with a pout on his face.

Louis pushed the plate away again, trying to resist. He'd been keeping track of the time from the clock in his room, and according to that, he hadn't eaten in a good 8 hours. But the boy in front of him wouldn't budge either, as he put the plate right in Louis's lap.

"I'm not hungry" He said sternly putting the food on the bed and trying to hold up a brave front. Unfortunately, his stomach decided to growl just then, loud enough to be heard throughout the flat.

Harry held onto Louis's chin to stop him from moving it away, as he picked up the taco and held it at Louis's lips. But the older boy wasn't even paying attention. His focus had wandered off on figuring out who the kidnapper was, his looks, his name.

Louis gently tugged on the collar of the man's shirt that was held up over his face, desperate to see him. He managed to sneak a glance at the boy quickly, his perfect pink lips, his chiseled built jaw, and the soft skin on his cheeks, his faultlessness, before all of it was hidden again.

It didn't take long for Harry's brief comfort to disappear when his face was exposed. He became alarmed right away, pushing Louis's hand off of his chest, where it had managed to fall when the 21 year old was in a trance from his captor's looks.

"You need to eat" Harry mumbled with a hint of strictness in his voice, after all he did need to take perfect care of Louis, and starving him was not ideal to that.

Louis once again ignored the words that were still echoing in the room, his only need was to see the captor's beautiful face again. He once again slipped the collar of Harry's shirt back to its rightful place, aching to see his gorgeous features again. "Don't" Louis muttered stopping Harry from hiding under the cover of his shirt. "You're really...pretty" He continued, earning a blush from both boys, Harry because he was flattered, and Louis because he just realized that what he said wasn't the most appropriate thing to say to another guy.

Harry was feeling over moon in that moment, getting complimented by this handsome boy that sat right in front of him. He tried to speak but was shocked to even utter a single 'Thank You', or try to hide the heat from spreading across his face. He displayed the tiniest of smiles upon his lips, so small that only Louis, who was inches from him, could see it.

Harry pushed food in his hand closer to Louis, and this time surprisingly Louis took a small bite. He couldn't help but give into the good-looking guy that was feeding him, bite by bite.

For a while they just stared at each other, while Harry continued to feed his captive. Both boys soaking in each other's beauty. Harry was mesmerized by those oceanic blue eyes, that feathery hair whose fringe fell messily over his forehead, those pair of perfectly pink lips that he imagined to have the softest feeling ever when they were pressed up against his very own.

Louis was held by the green eyes that gazed at him, those gorgeous parted plump lips, that small smirk that was upon them, that were open enough to show his pearly whites. His hands that were huge, the skin nagging to be felt, the rings that wrapped up his long fingers, that probably had a cool touch to them. He wondered what was under the black hood that covered the top of the green-eyed boy's head.

He lowered the hood, to find a head of the curliest, thickest, brownest hair ever seen. The curls were shaped into perfect ringlets that slightly fell over his green eyes, only to be pushed away by their owner. Louis absentmindedly ran a hand through the boy's hair, and pushed away any attempts to pull the covering back up.

"You are really good-looking. Don't cover up" Louis whispered, this time choosing a better set of words, to not embarrass himself.

Harry's cheeks instantly turned bright red from the compliment. He hardly ever got compliments, being alone and unwealthy and all, so he was shocked by Louis's thoughts. He was almost hypnotized by his words and his actions, the hostage's hand still weaving through Harry's hair, which gave him such a euphoric feeling. He answered his name when asked, clearly not aware of his identity being disclosed, still in too much of a daze by the blue-eyed boy and his constant compliments.

Once the food was finished, Harry was indirectly forced to leave, no matter how much he wanted to just stay and stare at his captive. He was just a supervisor for the boy, just to take care of him, nothing more.

It was true that he'd been observing him for weeks, but never from such a close distance that he was able to see the bright blue in his eyes, or the natural highlights in his hair, or the light scratchy stubble on his face which added so much maturity to his rather child-like behaviour. It was an understatement to say that he found Louis attractive. He found Louis to be the definition of perfection.

He reluctantly got up and left, leaving Louis alone in the locked room once again. He couldn't get Harry out of his mind, his adorableness, that curly hair, his emerald eyes, the way his cheeks reddened every time a compliment was thrown at him.

He could tell Harry was flattered, and a bit smitten with him by the way the younger boy was acting. He knew that although Harry had some self control, but it wouldn't be too hard to get him on his own side, allowing him to escape.

Louis knew there was some way that he could use Harry to his advantage. It was no denying that he was starting to like Harry too, and would be happy with him, but he would be way happier out of this hell hole. Harry was the only one who could get him out, and by the way Harry seemed to cater to Louis's every whim, he could tell it wouldn't be that difficult.

(A/N Thank you so much for the votes and comments and fans, it means a lot to me. You guys really wantedthe chapter so i hoped you liked it. So this is dedicated to @PunkMarcel because they have been so sweet in the comments. And I will be dedicating each chapter to whoever leaves the nicest comment or the first or whatever. And I need same 50 reads, 5 votes and 3 comments for the next chapter. Thank you so much)

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