Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Harry was sitting against the door to Louis' room, when he had run out he had just collapsed, dragging his back against the wood, not being able to, or having the power to get up and go to a place more private. He just sat there breathing heavily while praying Louis couldn't hear and would leave him alone, but Louis doesn't just get what he wants by giving up. He had yelled for the exploited boy several times from his bed, not getting up, but soon he stopped, taking the time and silence to think up a way to get him back into the room. 

He approached the door, hoping, yet not expecting the door to be unlocked allowing him to leave. He put his ear up against the door, trying to find any sound that alerts him of Harry's presence. A heavy panting caught his attention, and when he pushed, he could feel a weight against the door. He knew that Harry was right there but there had no clue as to why. 

Although a little spark did ignite inside him, maybe Harry wasn't completely out of his grasp. "Harry..." He knocked softly on the door. "Can we talk?" 

The breathing on the other side of the wood seemed to stop, making Louis think that Harry had left. But actually by now he had just calmed down. Louis' words startled him, as he had thought the older boy wasn't aware of his whereabouts, unfortunately he was wrong. He had to talk to Louis about this, as much as he internally liked it, he couldn't keep fondling with his job, with his hostage. He had to straight up tell Louis to stop his shenanigans. However, he wasn't sure if he had the power in himself to go against his heart. 

He sat there for a second or two, relaxing himself for what was about to come, and also thinking about what he was going to say. He had to say it right away or else this could get too far and he would never get a chance to or even remember what to say. 

"Louis, you need to stop doing this. You need to stop being so inappropriate with me. I do not like this. And if this continues than I will force to act in a harsh and negative way" He repeated over and over again in his head. He knew he probably would sound like a rude prick and he wasn't ready to see Louis' face when he finally said it to him, but he didn't have a choice, he had to put an end to this. 

He kept reminding himself that he shouldn't care how Louis would feel because he was a hostage, he didn't get a say in anything. Harry was already holding him captive, breaking his heart wasn't going to make any bigger of an impact on the boy. But no matter how much he tried to convince himself, he knew what the truth was and would be, and this wasn't it. 

"Harry I really think we should talk about this, please? Give me a chance to explain?" Louis' pleading, cracking voice came from behind the door. He had tried his best to make it convincing enough to lure Harry in, into his trap. He had tried to make it irresistible, and that's exactly how Harry took it. 

It was the first time Louis had been unconfident while talking, obviously this was important to him, or so he though, so he definitely needed to fulfill the older boy's wish and go talk to him. He stood up, and pulled one of the two keys to the room, out of his back pocket; he should probably leave one of those somewhere in the house for safety, but he didn't consider anything in the flat safer than he was. He opened the door, and was awaited by a Louis sitting right at the foot of it. 

Louis quickly brushed off the pair of sweatpants he was lent as he stood up. They both looked at each other for a moment, before Louis decided to break the silence; Harry was thankful he did, because as soon as he looked at the blue eyes in front of him it was like he had forgotten how to speak. "Let's talk" The older boy said solemnly, as he interlocked his hand with Harry's. The tingles could be felt all through Harry's body, Louis' comforting skin in contact was warming Harry's ice cold one right away. 

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