Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Harry woke up the next morning with a smile stretched on his face. The thoughts of the past night giving him so much happiness and zeal. The remainder of joy brought by the extremely suggestive dreams he'd had about Louis. 

The way Louis would run his dainty hands down Harry's torso, the way their blue and green eyes would connect and get lost in each other, they way Louis' lips would bring unneeded relief to Harry's skin. It would be beautiful; their bodies would create a work of art together, fitting together like a picture perfect puzzle. They would make love to each other, and it would be beautiful. 

Just the thought of his dream had Harry aching for the older boy, to feel his touch, to kiss his lips, he needed it, he craved it. 

He rushed up from his cozy bed, this time in quite a hurry. He tossed his blankets and bed clothes all together, folding it up on the middle of the bed. He couldn't be bothered with putting together a picturesque room, though it was necessary for his sake of mind to have some tidiness. 

The time on the clock read only 8 am, meaning Louis probably wasn't awake yet, also giving Harry plenty of time to put together a nice breakfast for him and the other boy to share. After getting lightly dressed in a pair of sweatpants and one of his loose muscle shirts, and flipping his hair from side to side trying to tame it, he left his room. Walking up softly to Louis' room, and putting his ear up against it. It was completely silent, usually he was able to hear a quiet snoring but that was unheard this morning. It was quite odd, but Harry proceeded to the kitchen anyways.

He got straight to work, preparing Eggs Benedict with bacon; he assumed Louis would love an extravagant breakfast, being the extremely rich man he is. It took him quite some time to get the eggs to taste just right, and another load of time to cook the bacon, but to him it was worth it. If it was going to make Louis as happy as Louis makes him, then it's definitely worth it. 

He prepped the food, the tray, and even added a flower from one of the plants outside, ready to take to Louis. The thought of being a housewife crossed his mind, his submissive behaviour, great cooking abilities and his need for cleanliness perfect for the job. He chuckled to himself as he carried the tray to Louis' room. Inside his pocket he found the key to the room. While balancing the tray of food, he unlocked the door, going inside while still concentrated on not dropping the food. 

"Louis" Harry spoke quietly, carrying the food to the desk in the corner, his back facing the bed. He didn't hear the other boy awake so he called again, "Louis, wake up. I brought breakfast" Harry coaxed lightly. 

He turned around to face Louis because he was getting annoyed of the older boy not waking up, However, what met his eyes was surprising. Louis wasn't there. The bed sheets were tossed all over, a mess being made of them, but nowhere among them was the boy he was looking for. Harry rushed to the closed bathroom door, hoping, praying that Louis would be in there, taking a shower and that his panic was pointless. The door opened with ease, and much to his disappointment, the hostage wasn't there. 

Louis was gone. He had escaped.

Panic coursed through his veins. Where could Louis be? He was here just the night before; they had an amazing night together. And now he was gone. Harry couldn't believe what had happened, his eyes kept drifting back to the bed, hoping that it was just some hallucination of some sort and that Louis was still there, but every time he looked back, he was depressed with the reality that hit him.

Questions raced through his mind. "What would Derek say?" "What would happen to the money he was supposed to get" "What would Derek do to him; if he found out Harry had let him go?" "Did Louis ever really like him?" "Did Louis use him?" The latter questions upset him quite a lot; he already knew the answer. He was just a pawn in everyone's scheme, he was just used to get to Louis in Derek's plan, and he was just used to escape in Louis' plan. 

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