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Stella's pov:

i woke up the next morning feeling like i was gunna .. barf. but like always, bri made me go to school. Today since i felt horrible, i wore a pair of dark grey sweatpants with white slippers and a light pink long sleeve. i tied my hair up in a messy bun and put some mascara on.

"uh oh"

i say as i feel my dinner from last night coming up my throat. running to the bathroom, i have to bite my tongue to keep it all down. i cover my mouth while i arive to the bathroom and empty it all out into the toilet.

once its all out, i have popped blood vessels all over my face.

"great. now every one is gunna think ive been crying."
i say frustrated. i then quick wash my mouth out, blow my nose and walk out of the bathroom.

checking the time on my cell, its 7:50. the bus comes in ten minutes. i know for a fact that bri isnt gunna let me drive today. she has work.

i grab my bag and walk downstairs.
"hey stell, i made you some pancakes." bri says , reading somthing and drinking her morning coffee.

i look blankly at her.

"nice try. these are from perkins. "

i say. does she really think im that stupid?

she looks at me in shock.

"how did you know?"

"i have my ways." i say smiling.

" hey you know the broke down mustang convertable thats in the garage? well, i had some of my buddies come by and fix it up. so..."

i stop everything. i slowly look up at her. eyes widened, "so..?" i say, hoping we're thinking the same thing.

"so.. if you want it, its all yours."

i feel a scream coming up my throat, but i gulp it down.

" oh. my. god. thank you so much! "

i say walking up to her and hugging her. im so glad we have been getting along lately.

"it really was nothing. it needed to be fixed." she says smiling.

"its all yours" she says while handing me the keys. I smile big at her.

"thank you so much" i say while opening the door to the garage with my bag. the mustang convertable was a dark, shiny blue with chrome rims.
(when mom was alive she bought this for briannas first car, but somthing went wrong with the engine, she kept it ever since.)

unlocking the door, i see its nice and clean. Bri must have cleaned it out, because we always would just use it for storage since it didnt work. but now it does, and its all mine. (:

i put the key in, and start the car. the engine is running good! but then i remember where im heading. the hell hole they call school. my mood dropped. and i am not up for seeing that justin kid. well here we go.


arriving to school late because there was traffic, i rush inside. i deside to bring my bag to class. opening the door to geometry, i immedietly get a lecture from the teacher.

"would you care to explain why you are fiteen minutes late to my class ms. faye?"

i dont feel like replying, so i head straight to my desk.

"wow. someones naughty. ooh. fifteen minutes late."

i look up to see its justin. i didnt even notice he was here.

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