Chapter 16

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Abby POV

              After Grace told me, I didn't know what to do. I mean he's my best friend. Nothing's going to be the same. 

       I flew Grace and I to where we heard the boom and screams come from. I was surprised at what I saw. Carter was in Hulk form, wrecking everything. My eyes widened in shock. Grace nudged me. I looked over to where she was looking.I saw Logan and Lucas, helping people out of the situation. We ran over there.

Abby- What the hell is going on???!!

Lucas- Abby you're back!

   He came over and hugged me.

Abby- We can worry about that later! First we have to get Carter back into human form.

      I glanced over at Logan. He was looking down, awkwardly. I started looking anywhere but him. Lucas looked at us weirdly and Grace was glaring at Logan. I mouthed to Lucas"I'll explain later." He nodded.

Abby- Why did Carter switch?

Lucas- This shithead over here, started talking about Amber and started saying really bad things about her and I guess Carter got mad.

       I glanced over at Logan and rolled my eyes.

Abby- Okay. Logan and me will help the hostages and Lucas, you and Grace go get Carter out of Hulk form.

        Everyone nodded. Grace smiled.She came over and hugged me.

Grace- I'm glad to have you back.

           I smiled and laughed. Grace and Lucas ran off. I walked up to Logan and slapped him. He hissed and held his cheek.


Abby- That's for sleeping with me and this-

     I kicked him hard in the balls. He groaned and held them.

Abby- Is for not telling me.

Logan- It's your fault just as much as mine! 


Logan- SO WAS I!!

Abby- Lets talk about this later and actually help people.

 He nodded.


                                                           After getting Carter back to normal


   Right now, Carter is asleep and the rest of us are in the living room. We just explained what happened to Lucas. I looked at him, scared of what might come. He stood up and walked to Logan. He punched him hard in the face. 

Abby- LUCAS!

    He walked out of the room. I walked after him. When I got to his room, he was sitting on his bed with his hands on his face. I quietly shut the door behind me. I walked over to him and knelt down in front of him.

Abby- It was an accident.

Lucas- I know. 

Abby- Then what's wrong?

Lucas- It's just that he didn't tell anyone. And that he got to have sex with you before me.

         I laughed.

Abby- Well do you want to. Because yours will be more special, since I will actually will remember it and because I love you and not him.

        I laughed. He looked at me and kissed me. Hard. I kissed back. He picked me up and through me on the bed. I giggled. He came on top of me and started kissing me again.

 He came on top of me and started kissing me again

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             My hands traveled under his shirt. Brushing my hands against his abs. I tugged at the hem of the shirt. He broke the kiss and ripped it off. He started to kiss down my neck. I let out a small moan. He smirked, knowing he found my sweet spot. He took off my shirt. I kissed him and made my way down is body. I think you know what happened after that.

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