Chapter 2

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Abby POV 

     I was at the table eating breakfast as slow as I can possibly eat. I do not want to go through this day. All of a sudden, Lucas walks over and sits down next to me. "How are you?"

   "Fine, I guess." I look down at my half eaten bowl of cereal.

   "Hey, look at me," he said. I slowly looked up. "We'll find them."

   Then realization hit me. "Nick said that in one year, if SHIELD didn't find them, then he would bring us in," I said, with a little sass in my voice.

   "Abby. Don't get any ideas," the blue eyed boy said.

   "No! We need to go find Nick and demand we help with the search!" I exclaimed.


   "Jarvis. Call everyone to the living room," I said, cutting Lucas off.

   "Which one? May I ask," Jarvis questioned.

    "Third floor," I said, before stomping out of the room.


Carter POV

      I'm pretty nervous. Abby called us to the living room for a "meeting". Code word for she's going to yell. To be honest, she scares the hell out of me when she yells. Once we had a meeting one on one and she yelled at me for telling her dad she went to the club and got drunk. I couldn't sleep right for a week. I mean, she did say that she will haunt me in my dreams. That's exactly what happened to.

    I walked into the living room and saw I was the last one to get there, so we started right away. I could already tell it wasn't going to be good. Abby had her yelling face on. I mean this is a tough day for her, for all of us. I took a seat on the recliner. Then the horror happened.

"One year ago, Nick Furry said that if SHIELD didn't find our parents in a year, that we would be able to help. So I am going to SHIELD today and confronting Nick. Who wants to come with?" She asked, angrily.

     I nervously raise my hand. Abby's eyes widen. "Any one else," she asked, nervously.

   I roll my eyes. Abby and I are good friends and all but she knows what I can do when I 'hulk out'. Luckily, for her,  Grace raises her hand. I sigh. Then Logan raises his hand. All that was left was Lucas. Abby looked at him with pleading eyes. He sighed. "Fine. But if they decide to kill us, I'm blaming you.

   "And I am perfectly fine with that." Abby walked over to Lucas and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled and blushed, a lot. 

    "Aw! Lucas got his first kiss!" Logan teased. Lucas rolled his eyes.

   "Let's not talk about first kisses right now and just leave," Grace said, sternly.

    I couldn't help but stare at her. She was just so beautiful. She caught my gaze. I quickly looked away blushing. Abby nodded in agreement



   I personally was scared for Nick. Abby is not nice to work with when she's mad. We all ran for Nicks office when we heard a voice behind us. "Nice to see you kids again."

   "Nick! A year ago you said we could help SHIELD find our parents. So know we are here to help. And if I were you I would hate to say no," Abby said.

   "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can't," Nick said, his voice held no emotion.

   "Uh oh," Logan said. Abby started going crazy. She tried running  to Nick. But lucky for him Logan and Lucas held her back. "The devil has been unleashed," Logan said, trying to make light of the situation.

   Finally Abby calmed down. That was good because if she didn't I probably would have peed myself. And that would have been embarrassing. "Why can't we held," she said, crossing her arms.

   "I'm sorry to tell you this, but we found them a couple days ago and... you're parents were found dead in a cell," Nick said.

To be continued....


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