A Few Poems

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I feel so alone when I cry

My dreams full of sadness and fear

I can't see why I live this way

The pain I feel inside

My heart is pain

Which I fear may never leave

The pain inside is strong but I am stronger

The love for my family will guide me

But I hope the pain I feel will never return

If people try to break you

Stand taller than before

If people try to hurt you

Open another door

Cause life is full of choices

So find the thing worth waiting for

You stay up

All night

Trying to convince

That stanger over the Internet 

Across the seas

Or maybe even your bestfriend

Across the street

Not to hurt themselves

Or die tonight

But they never question

If you're alright

So once you convince them

To not cut or commit suicide

You're back in you room

Questioning your own life

I love you

I wish you loved me too

Why'd you leave?

As I sit here and bleed

You left me when I needed you the most

And you disappear off to the coast

I'm tired of not knowing

I'm not sure what to do

But I'm done with you

This time I'm not going to cry

As I say goodbye

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