Little Poems about Love

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It's pretty hard to comprehend


Everything has happened the way it has

Things could've gone better

We could both be a little happier

And maybe in a different time or world

We would be together 

But until then...

We wait



Shooting stars


Pointless petals

On pretty flowers

Waiting and 


Countless hours

All for one wish

That won't come true

You're running away from me

While I waste my wishes

Love and 


On you

Each day it gets

Harder and


To wake up

But the thoughts of YOU

Keep me going 

Like coffee in the morning 

He had the type of smile

That you could get mesmerized by

And I guess I did

And he used that against me

But I had the type of heart

That believed all the lies

And I guess he knew

I need to forget about you

The way you forgot about me

I need to drop you

And never look back

I will be fine

As I was a page in your book

You were a chapter in mine

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