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*4 years later *

"Congratulations to all our graduates, you made it! And best of luck to you in the world of the working class!" announces the dean of Berkeley.

I grab Andrea's hand and smile at her. We made it. I just graduated from college. I'm not Alexa Teller anymore, I'm Dr.Alexa Teller. This is unreal. I scan the crowd below me and spot my family. They're obviously not hard to find because I have my boys standing up and cheering. My heart skips a beat as I see him, my best friend and my love, my everything.

Ryder is cheering along with the rest of the guys and the parents and for some reason I find myself lost in his eyes, like I always do. The love I have for him is irrational and passionate, but it's real.

If you haven't already figured that out, I finally did go on a date with Ryder. And boy was it the best decision I ever made because here we are, 4 years later, and I still can't get over the fact that I am the luckiest girl in the world and that I have the best boyfriend anyone could wish for. I just can't imagine my life without him. And we definitely can't live without him now. He has no idea but in 8 months, a mini-Ryder or a mini-Lexi will be brought into this world and will be showered with love. I found out I was pregnant a few days ago and I was thrilled. We talked about starting a family, but we didn't think it would be so soon. It doesn't matter though, that child will be more than welcomed.

Ryder graduated from UCLA last year since he majored in business and took over his father's company. He bought a beautiful house near the Teller estate so we're only a 15 minute drive away from the family who saved my life. They all did, all without exception. As I gaze lovingly at my family, I realize I can't wait to start the rest of my life with them by my side.

The graduates started to make their way to their families and Andrea and I did the same. The boys grabbed us in a collective hug and laughed.

"Congrats sis! I'm so proud of you, and I can't wait to have you guys on my team at the hospital!" cheers Bentley. Bentley was the Head of the doctors at the UCLA Medical Center and he offered Andrea and I a position alongside of him.

"Thanks Bent, I can't wait either!" squealed A.

Liam made his way to Andrea and pulled her into a hug. He then kissed her lightly. Yup, these two were still dating, and to be honest, I'm surprise Liam hasn't asked A to marry him already. He looks like a lovesick puppy.

"Congrats baby girl," whispers a familiar voice from behind. I turn around to find Ryder, looking as stunning as ever in a beautiful charcoal Armani suit. Damn he's one fine piece of meat, and he's all mine. I lean in to kiss him, like my life depends on it.

A few minutes later, Andrea and I's families lead us to the cars saying we had a reservation at the Ivy, a very posh restaurant in L.A. It had to do with celebrating our graduation so we went along. Under my graduation gown, I wore a navy blue pencil dress and paired it with black stilettos. This outfit obviously had Ella written all over it because it was perfect.

We arrived at the restaurant at around six thirty and the server led us to a table. I was sitting between Ryder and Bentley and Liam was sitting in front of me with Andrea. The rest of my family was scattered around the table and Andrea's family was too. Liam kept glancing at Ryder which was weird but hey, that's Liam for you ladies and gentlemen.

"Uhm, hey, can I get your attention please?" suddenly asked Liam. He looked nervous as hell as he stood up and watched everyone. The table fell silent.

"So, okay, Andrea, I love you. You mean the world to me and what you accomplished today, well it was spectacular. I'm so proud of you and what I saw today only confirmed my thoughts that I want nothing else but to have the chance to wake up every morning nest to you and love you for the rest of my life. Andrea," he said pulling out a velvet box from his tux as he kneeled on one knee, "will you marry me?"

Andrea was crying and smiling and nodded her head yes ferociously. Liam put the gorgeous ring on her finger and kissed her. I looked at Ryder who was smiling and I wiped the tear that threatened to escape. Our families smiled and cheered. It was a perfect night. It was the right time to tell Ryder about our bundle of joy on the way. As I was about to speak up, Ryder stood up. I looked up at him questioningly but he just smiled a beautiful, breathtaking smile.

"Uhm guys, now can I get you attention please?" he laughed. Once again, the room fell silent.

"Ali, do you remember how we met?" he asked.

"Of course I do, how could I forget?" I laughed. "You hit on me at school on my first day!" Everyone chuckled, including Ryder.

"That is correct my love, and ever since that moment I was fascinated by you. You weren't scared to reject me; you weren't scared to stand up to me. You were something else. You were a tough girl and didn't take crap from anyone and I admired that. But sometimes, I could see it in your eyes that this was all an act. Sometimes I saw the hurt in your eyes and I realized that there was a lot more to you than a pretty face. That's when we became best friends. When I saw your scars and you told me about what had happened to you, my heart broke in a million pieces. For the first time, you were letting me in. From that moment on, we were inseparable. Alexa, you're the strongest person I know, and throughout all of the obstacles thrown at you, you always come out stronger. I can say without a doubt that you make your birth parents proud, and they made a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman and I have the chance to be a part of her life. I'm in love with you Alexa Teller always will be, and always have been. So will you do me the honor of marrying me? Will you marry me baby girl?" he asked, leaning down on one knee, holding out a beautiful ring.

By now, the tears were flowing freely. That speech, it came right from his heart. I could feel his soul bore into me as he gazed up at me tenderly. It wasn't even a question; of course I would marry him.

"yes," I whispered, putting my hand over my flat belly. "and we're the ones lucky enough to be part of your life Ryder, not the other way around."

"we're?" he asked, looking at my hand on my stomach as he slid the most amazing ring on my ring finger. As realisation hit him, his eyes snatched up to mine.

"Are you serious?" he asked excitedly.

"Yes! We won't be just the two of us for long!" I smiled as he jumped up and grabbed me into a massive hug. Everyone clapped and cheered, and i was suddenly engulfed in a massive group hug.

"Oh my god! I'm going to be a grandmother!" Ella shrieked happily.

I looked at Andrea who looked equally happy. "WE GOT ENGAGED ON THE SAME DAY! HOW COOL IS THAT?" she said, jumping up and down.

"I KNOW RIGHT?" I screamed jumping with her. The guys laughed and high-fived. They were all in on it, I was sure of it now.

Everyone went back to celebrating and making small talk. They took turns coming up to look at my beautiful ring and I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. This was definitely the best day of my life.

I turned to look at Ryder, but he was already looking at me. I beamed and said, "I'm so glad I decided to go on that date with you. I love you Ryder, forever and always."


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