Chapter 17 - Letting Go

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Chapter 17 - Letting Go

I wake up, panicked, from yet another nightmare. I sit up quickly, looking around for the imminent and inexistent danger that's got me frightened. Indeed, those have not disappeared, but everything else HAS been better. The tears turned to smiles, all thanks to my oh-so amazing best friend.

"Princess?" asks a sleepy voice. I turn to face a heavy-eyed Ryder.


"You alright?"


"Babe you know I can see through your bullshit. Cut the crap, why are you up?"

"I had a nightmare, as always, but it's fine, thanks to you," I respond, and then lean down to kiss his nose. "Love you! Now back to sleep!"

"mmmk. Love you too. Goodnight," he answered, opening his arms for me to cuddle in. I gladly obliged and sighed happily.

I know, I know. What is Ryder doing in my bed, sleeping, at 3 A.M? Indeed, he's sleeping over. But then you shall ask, why on earth is the guy you're in love with sleeping over? The answer is quite simple, really. It's because I need him to be here with me.

The next morning, I wake up to an empty bed. I crawl out and head to the kitchen, where I most probably will be greeted by the men of my life.

"Hey sis, sleep good?" asked Bentley.

"Like a charm." I sarcastically respond.

"Actually, that's a lie. She woke up at around three from a nightmare."

"Gee, thanks Ry." I sigh.

"The mere fact that you of all people know that makes me want to throw up in my mouth. I definitely don't want to know who is getting in my sister's pants Ry," adds Aaron.

"Hey! First of all, Ryder is NOT getting it in, not with me anyways, thank you very much, and second of all, do you really think that low of me?"

"Lex, the guy is sleeping in your bed every night, what are you expecting us to think? That you guys play monopoly?" adds Liam.

"Well if you all must know, Ryder and I cuddle up to movies and we talk. That's it!" I insist.

"Sure sis, whatever you say," answered Bentley, clearly not believing me.

That was clearly not gonna go down easy. Ryder and I weren't hooking up, and they needed to believe that.

"If you all must know, I'm a virgin."

I was met by five blank stares. This was hilarious. I could literally see the words sink in slowly. They all had different faces. Bentely looked relieved and satisfied, Aaron looked like he pitied me, Liam didn't seem to care, but the funniest one yet; Ryder. His face was hilarious! It was a mixture of doubt and confusion.

"Wait what?" said Ryder.

"I.Am.A.Virgin." I answered condescendingly.

"Seriously?" he countered.

"No Ry, I'm making this up because I'm cool like that."

"Oh, right, uh, okay then."

This was not like Ryder. He almost looked uncomfortable. Ryder, player of the year, sexiest man alive, my bestfriend, looked uncomfortable. Ryder doesn't do uncomfortable.

After breakfast, It was time to head to school. School hadn't changed. We went to class, hung out with the same crowd, and Ryder and I were still the victims of shameless stares. I get it, he's gorgeous and he has eyes only for me, so this was bound to provoke some jealous death glares, but these girls were ruthless. You'd think that they'd get over it after all this time, but no.

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