Chapter 13- The Party

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Chapter 13- The Party

"Hey beautiful," a sexy voice purred, as I was closing my locker.

"Ryder, what's up?"

"Want to go on a date with me?" he asked, for the tenth time this week. Yep, today was Friday. My fifth day at my new school. If you calculate correctly, that would mean he asks about twice a day for me to go on date with him. I guess I'm never going to admit that to him, but I like the attention.

"Sorry buddy, the answer is still no," I laughed.

I turned to face him and leaned against my locker. He put his hands on both sides of my head, trapping me. My breath got caught in my throat as his gorgeous self leaned in slowly. For a few seconds, I forgot where we were, and that half the student body was looking at us curiously. A smirk made its way to my lips. No way was I going to show him how he affected me. The guy is a player, but I know how to play his game. He affects me because our little encounters are hot. They're sexy. They're fun.

He pressed his forehead to mine and looked deep into my eyes. I could smell his cologne, it smelled delicious. I could even feel the heat emanating from his body. I decided to take control and push forward, making the distance between us even less. I caught him off guard; I saw his expression change from one that said 'I'm in control' to one of surprise.

I leaned into him, and moved my lips close to his ears. I took my sweet time, and breathed in his ear before whispering, "I have to get to class."

I heard him groan and smiled. He caught up to me a few seconds later and we walked together to class. I got to calculus and sat beside Aaron, like every morning.

"Morning sunshine," he smiled.

"Hello brother of mine," I laughed.

"Hey I forgot to ask, are you going to Damon's party tonight? I know all the cheerleaders got invited."

"Yeah, Andrea and I are going together, she's coming over after school to get ready. What time are you going?"

"Probably around nine thirty or ten, you?"

"Same, maybe we could all head out together? Me, you, A and Liam?"

"Yeah, that's okay. Oh and Liam is designated driver, so you can drink, but not too much," he winked.

"Yes sir," I responded, grinning.

At lunch, I got my food and walked over at my usual table with the twins and other football players. I spotted Ryder sitting with a guy from the team, I think his name was Zach, anyways, Zach said something and Ry started laughing wholeheartedly. Damn he was hot. I felt my insides churning with desire. Not romantic desire, but physical desire. Our little flirting game had been going on all week and to be honest, it turned me on.

I sat beside A, across from Ryder. When he saw me, he smiled happily. I couldn't help but grin back because his smile was THAT contagious. He didn't ruin the moment by saying a sexual comment or anything. He went back to chatting with his friends. I could feel Andrea's curious gaze on me.

"Alexa Teller, what was THAT?" she asked, clearly talking about what just happened between me and Ry.

"Nothing A, what are you talking about?" I asked, innocently.

"You know damn well what I just saw. Babe, it looked genuine and non-playerish."

"We just smiled at each other, it means nothing," I replied.

"Yeah okay." Luckily, she dropped it. Me and Ryder had a special relationship. Many would describe it as a flirtationship.

At the end of cheerleading practice, I made my way to my car, only to see Andrea and Ryder talking. She looked uncomfortable.

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