Untitled Part 6

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A/N: Ok, so I know I said that I was done with this story...but I've noticed that this fanfic is almost a year old...and it's almost Christmas ...so here's a special anniversary chapter...


Marinette was used to being woken up in the middle of the night. An akuma could show up at any time and she had to be up and ready to go at a moment's call. But tonight, on Christmas eve of all nights, she hadn't been expecting hear someone knocking on her window from outside.

The loud banging stirred her from her deep sleep, and she sat up in bed for a few seconds before her brain registered the fact that the noise was coming from outside her room. She squinted across the room, her eyes trying hard to make out something from the pitch black darkness, but she saw nothing.

Confused, she got up and scooted over to the window, and wiped away some of the condensation so that she could peek outside. Two familiar piercing green eyes were staring back at her, and they pleaded at her to be let in.

To say she was surprised was an understatement, Marinette couldn't come up with a plausible explanation as to why Chat was outside her window at three in the morning, but she couldn't help but feel her heart speed up when she saw him.

She quickly unlocked the window and Chat rolled in and landed on the floor. His cat ears were coated with a light layer of frost, and his skin was pale. He got up and dusted himself off.

"Finally, I thought you were going to let me freeze out there," He complained, trying to seem mad, but after a second his eyes softened and he pulled her into a hug. "Just kidding, I know you wouldn't do that, right Bugaboo? You love way too much to let me freeze to death." He whispered into her ear as he buried his face in her shoulder.

Marinette shrived at the sudden contact and she tried to pry his hands off. "You're freezing!" She complained, but all that did was make him laugh and hug her every tighter. Out of the corner of her eye she spied her blanket that lay on the bed and she reached over to grab it and wrap it around Chat's shoulders. "Better? He nodded, although Marinette could see that he was still cold.

"So why'd you come over right now?" Marinette asked as she walked over to her closet and pulled out some extra blankets. She nestled them all around Chat until he was wrapped in a cocoon of warm wool and yarn.

"Are you telling I need to have a specific reason if I want to come visit, my Lady?" Chat questioned as he feigned a look of hurt.

"Well you do if you decide to come at three in the morning and risk hypothermia." Marinette placed the last blanket on him and stepped back to admire her handiwork. "Comfy?"

"Yes, but there's one thing missing..." Chat wrestled a hand out of the cocoon and held it out towards Marinette. "Care to join me?"

Marinette rolled her eyes and batted his hand away. "That reminds me..." She muttered as she turned back towards her closet and began to dig through it. After a few seconds she emerged with a wrapped present in her hand and held it towards Chat. "Merry Christmas, Kitty."

She cheeks pinked when she saw how Chat was staring questioningly at the name "Adrien" on the gift and she explained. "I was going to give it to you at school, but I figured now's a better time..."

Chat grinned widely and his eyes brightened with excitement and wonder. "Thanks, Marinette." He said as he carefully unwrapped the paper, taking great care not to tear it at all, and opened the box that was revealed. Inside lay a pair of handmade gloves that had green cat paws stitched on the back.

His smiled widened and he quickly tried them on while also admiring the design that they had. "They're so warm!" He exclaimed as he studied them, his eyes suddenly widened and he grasped in shock. "I almost forgot!"

"What?" Marinette asked, curious as to what he had suddenly remembered, but he said nothing as he began digging through his pockets for something.

"Close your eyes," Chat commanded as he found what he was looking for and held it behind his back. "It's a surprise."

Marinette obliged and she closed her eyes, wondering with anticipation what it was that Chat was hiding. She heard him step closer to her and after a few seconds he whispered in her ear. "You can look now."

Marinette opened her eyes and saw Chat standing only a few inches away from her, and one of his hands was extended high above them. Looking up, she something green clashed between his fingers, hanging there in the air. It was mistletoe. Chat stood still for a moment , only focusing his gaze on her and staring deep into her eyes.

A light bulb went off in Marinette head, and an idea suddenly came to her. She smirked at Chat and reached up to grab the mistletoe from his fingers. "Careful Chat," She warned as she stepped away and pretended to throw it away. "Mistletoe is poisonous."

The look on his face was priceless, the poor Kitty had been expecting a kiss, not rejection, and he stared in horror at the trash can. "You threw it away..." He muttered in disbelief as he gaze shifted from the trash can to Marinette and back.

Marinette nodded, trying hard to hold in her laughter. "It's especially poisonous to cats.." She teased as she made her way towards Chat and poked his nose playfully. "But don't worry, there's an antidote...do you know what the antidote is?"

She smirked slightly when Chat shook his head and she leaned in to whisper the answer directly in his ear. "A trip to the vet."

"No!" Chat wailed in anguish and he pulled out a present from underneath him. "Here! I offer this as a peace treaty!" He begged as he held the present towards Marinette and pleaded silently for her to accept it.

Marinette told the present and slowly opened it, her mind trying to desperately come up with a guess of what was inside. She tore the paper off to reveal a lovely sketch book with a large cursive M on the front. "Chat..." She breathed in amazement as she studied the book in her hands.

"Merry Christmas, my Lady." Chat grinned at the sight of her delight. "I thought you'd like it, it's so you can sketch your amazing designs."

Marinette looked up at him and she smiled softly at him. "So that's why you came..." Her voice trailed off and she threw her arms around him. "Thanks, Kitty." She whispered as she looked up at him. "All is forgiven,"

She grew silent for a moment and then her face filled with happiness and she held up the mistletoe that she had been hiding in her pajama pocket. It was slightly crushed but that didn't matter, and before Chat had a chance to react, Marinette leaned up and placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Adrien."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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