Untitled Part 5

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*The next day*

Marinette ran into class just as the bell rang, barely making it to her seat in time to avoid another tardy. Although she felt much better, there was still a slight limp in her walk and her left leg hurt if she put too much pressure on it. She hadn't been able to get much sleep last night, but how could she? With all the excitement and revelations that had happened, she had found it too hard to fall asleep. Instead, she had thought back to all the times where it had been so obvious, where if she had only looked a little closer she would have been able to put the puzzle together and figure out that Adrien was Chat Noir. Honestly, she felt like kicking herself for not being able to make the connection. Love really does make you blind.

As she rushed over to sit down, she shot a quick glance at Adrien and felt her heart skip a beat when she saw that he was looking at her as well. Adrien gave her a small smile and winked quickly, an action that Marinette blush like crazy and squeal a bit. Alya gave her a questioning stare when Marinette sat down looking like her cheeks were on fire, but she didn't say anything.

A small note then landed on her desk, and Marinette's hand shot out to grab the paper before anyone else saw it. She opened it carefully and as discreetly as she could, making sure not to draw any attention to herself. Her heart almost stopped and she breathed in sharply as she read the four simple words that were written on it

Good morning, My Lady.

Alya didn't think it was possible for her friend to get any redder. Boy was she wrong, Marinette's face got so red that she almost looked like a ladybug.


The morning classes went by surprisingly quick, although Marinette found it hard to concentrate. Adrien sat right in front of her and every time she looked at him her heart starting beating faster as she thought back to the note that he had sent her. She thought about writing him a note back but every time she picked up her pen to write something, her mind went blank and she couldn't come up with anything to say back.

The bell for lunch rang and everyone got up quickly, eager to get some fresh air outside and have a break from learning and doing school work.

"Marinette, let's go." Alya said excitedly as she shot up out of her seat and headed towards the door. "There's something on the Ladyblog that you're got to see!"

"Really, what?" Marinette was so distracted and in a hurry to catch up with Alya that she really wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings. Meaning that she didn't notice that someone had left their backpag lying in the middle of the aisle until it was too late. Her foot slipped over the bag and she stumbled forward a feet before loosing her balance and falling to the ground.

"Ow.." She mumbled, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment and she rubbed her head. She had banged it in the exact same spot from a few days ago. Why did she have to be so clumsy sometimes?

"Marinette, are you alright?"

Her head shot up when she heard the familiar voice, and was greeted by the sight of Adrien kneeling closely next to her, intently looking over her to see if she was hurt. His green eyes were filled with worry and his hands cautiously hovered near the place where she was rubbing her head.

She blushed at his close proximity and nodded quickly. "I'm fine, really. The ground isn't that hard." It was sweet, to see his inner Chat come out. Before, she would have stuttered like crazy and not even have been able to utter a full complete sentence. Now, she felt so comfortable with him.

Adrien frowned at her words and leaned in closer. "Are you sure? Is your head alright?" He looked over her once more, before getting up and holding out his hand. "I'll help you up."

Marinette stared at the hand, speechless, and vaguely aware that everyone in the room was currently staring at the two of them. Hesitantly, she reached out to grab his hand and was surprised to find how warm and comforting the simple action was. "Thank you," She breathed quickly once she was finally off the ground.

He smiled and squeezed her hand once more. "You should probably go to the nurse, I'll go with you."

"Oh no, you don't have to do tha--" Before Marinette could even finish her sentence, Adrien was already leading her towards the door and maneuvering through the crowed of kids that had been curiously looking on.

"I want to."


The two walked through the nearly empty halls in silence. Marinette looked down and was surprise to realize that he was still holding on tightly to her hand.

"You really don't have to do this." Marinette said again, breaking the silence. They had reached the nurse's office, but Adrien was still lingering to let go of her hand and Marinette made no move to stop him.

"But I appreciate it.."

"I told you, I wanted to." Adrien smiled softly at her and leaned in closely to whisper quietly in her ear. "I always protect my Lady, both in and out of the suit."

She hadn't meant to hug him, but at the moment it was her first instinct. Her heat soared with joy as she threw her hands around him and laughed softly. "Thank you, Chat."


It was almost the end of lunch when Marinette finally emerged from the room, wielding a bag of ice pressed firmly to her head and a lollipop that the nurse had so kindly gifted her. Alya jumped up from where she had been sitting on the floor next to the door, and ran over to her.

"What was that?!" Alya demanded as soon as the door closed behind Marinetter and they were alone in the empty hallways. "You and Adrien, you two had a moment together!

Marinette laughed nervously and shook her head. "I just tripped and he helped me up, it wasn't a moment."

"Just tripped? Just tripping doesn't require a trip to the nurse's office." Now it was Alya's turn to laugh. "Man, I wish I had gotten it on video." She grinned widely. "You two were looking at each like you were the only two people on earth."

"No way, you're exaggerating, it wasn't like that." Marinette insisted as she felt her cheeks begin to grow hot.

"If it wasn't a moment, then why are you blushing?" Alya teased, as she poked Marinette's cheeks.

"So what were you saying about the Ladyblog?" Marinette asked, desperate to change the subject.

Alya frowned. "Don't think that I'm done with you yet." She pulled out her phone and began typing wildly on it. "It totally was a moment and nothing you say can convince me otherwise."

Later that day, when Marinette returned back to the classroom after the bell had rang, she was shocked to see yet another note waiting for her. There was no hiding it this time, Alya had been the first to spot it and she was now looking intently at Marinette as she opened it. "Well, what do it say?!"

Marinette shrugged and pushed the note aside. "Nothing, it was just a scrap of paper from someone's homework." As soon as Alya looked away, she quickly grabbed the note and shoved it into her bag, trying not to let herself smile because that would give her away.

  How's your head? Do you need a CAT scan, because if so, I'm more than happy to offer my services~


A/N: So...I'm back from the dead. A lot of you wanted another chapter, but I honestly feel like overall plot is done, so any other updates from now on will probably just be short little cute moments between Ladybug and Chat Noir.

There is another Miraculous Ladybug story that I'm currently going to be working on, it's called "Time to say goodbye", so check it out if you want more miraculous fanfictions.

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