Untitled Part 3

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When she woke up, Marinette was disappointed to find that she was all alone in her bed. She looked longingly at the empty spot next to her, half wondering if perhaps she had just dreamed it all up.

No, that wasn't possible, looking back, the memory seemed so vivid and real that if she closed her eyes she could almost feel his strong arms protectively wrapped around her, the warm body heat radiating off him, and the ticklish feeling as his tail brushed against her legs. Almost.

Sighing, she threw the covers off and slowly stepped out of bed, carefully not to put too much strain on her injured body parts. She carefully took a few steps and was relieved to find that walking wasn't completely unbearable, she'd be able to make it through the day at school. Her head was pounding, but it was only a small headache, nothing she couldn't handle.


She had almost forgotten about her little friend. Marinette glanced over at her dresser and was relieved to see the little kwami resting soundly amongst a nest of scarves. She walked over to her and bent down so that she was at eye level with the top.

"Tikki?" She whispered softly as she gently shook her awake. She felt a bit bad about waking Tikki, but she just had to talk to her, to make sure she was ok.

Tikki groggily opened her eyes and peeked up at Marinette. Instantly a huge smile appeared on her face. "Marinette!" Her voice was a bit raspy, but there was no denying the joy behind it.

"Hi, Tikki!" Marinette replied, echoing her tone. She gently scooped up the kwami in her hands and brought her closer to her face. "Are you alright?"

Tikki giggled and nodded her head. "I'm fine, really, no permanent damage. But what about you? You didn't look so good last night..." Tikki trailed off as she flew up and zipped all around Marinette, inspecting all her injuries.

"I'm fine, Tikki." Marinette assured her. "Well, I am kinda sore, and I have a small headache. But it's nothing major."

Tikki frowned at her response. "I don't know Marinette..." Her voice was full of uncertainty and doubt. "Maybe you should stay home from school today, you went through a lot last night. At least take a day off so you can rest."

"No, I'm fine Tikki." Marinette said, brushing off the idea. She walked over to her desk and begin getting her things ready for school. "Besides, it'd be suspicious...since I'm obviously not sick. My parents probably wouldn't let me stay home."

"Alright, but only if you really feel well enough..." Tikki said, finally giving in but still a bit doubtful about the idea. She watched Marinette as she got ready for school....and there was something off about her. Her body language was different, she seemed tense and anxious. Something was bothering her. "Marinette, are you sure you're ok?"

Marinette hesitated for a second before answering. "Yeah, I'm fine." She finally replied.

"Are you sure?" Tikki looked at her with concern.

"I was just thinking..." Marinette looked down at the floor, her eyes full of sadness. "Chat and I scheduled a patrol for tonight..."

"Is that it? If you don't feel like going, then just talk to him. I'm sure he'll understand." Tikki offered, trying to make her feel better.

Marinette shook her head. "It's not that." She said, her voice getting quieter and quieter. "It's just that. . . now that he knows who I. . . I don't know. I just feel like after the shock of last night wears off and he'll be disappointed by me, because now he knows Ladybug is just plain old Marinette."

"Marinette, don't be so hard on yourself!" Tikki exclaimed. "You were chosen to be Ladybug for a reason, you are Ladybug! He likes you as Ladybug, so there's no reason that he wouldn't like you as Marinette."

Marinette shrugged. "I guess you're right..." She finally said, although she sounded unsure of it. She glanced over at the clock and almost had a heart attack when she saw the time. "Oh no, I'm gonna be late!"

Discovering Ladybug's identity- LadyNoir (Miraculous ladybug fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora