Untitled Part 4

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Where was he?

Ladybug stood nervously at she waited for Chat to arrive for their weekly patrol night. She leaned against the brick wall of the building and watched over the view of the city, searching intently to see if Chat Noir was on his way. The more time that passed, the more anxious she felt. What was she going to say to him when he arrived? Should she just pretend that last night had never happened? This was Chat she was talking about, one of her closest friends, she shouldn't be scared.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of the nagging insecurity that persisted. Would things still be the same between them? The butterflies in her stomach wouldn't go away, it was as if her insides were doing flips.

Part of her wondered if she still had time to sneak away and go home. Maybe she did need some more time to rest, Chat would understand. But no, deep down inside, she knew that she had to talk to him. She couldn't avoid this forever and it was to just get it over with instead of running away and hiding.

From behind, she heard the thud of feet landing softly on the concrete roof. Chat had arrived. Sighing, she turned around to face him.

His eyes brightened when he saw her and his smiled widened. "Good evening, my lady," He greeted, bowing dramatically.

"Hi, kitty." Ladybug could feel the corners of her lips tugging up into a small smile but she quickly wiped it off her face. She couldn't let herself get distracted by his flirting.

"What's wrong?" He questioned, instantly detecting the hidden tone behind her words. A look of worry flashed across his face as he stepped towards her. "Do your head still hurt? If you're not feeling wrong then you can go home, I can patrol by myself, don't worry about it."

"No, it's not that.." She didn't know why it was so hard to tell him, the words were on the tip of her tongue but she just couldn't seem to get them out. Just a few minutes ago she couldn't wait for Chat to arrive so she could tell him, now she didn't know if she could tell him. "It's just that.."

"It's just what?" Chat echoed softly as he studied her closely, trying to decipher the mix of worry, anxious, and distress that reflected in her eyes. He didn't like seeing her like this.

"I was wondering." She spoke so quietly, that she wasn't even sure if Chat could hear her. "Are you disappointed?" She had thought that she would feel better after telling him, but the anxious feeling in her gut persisted.

"Disappointed? About what?" He asked slowly, as if repeating the question would offer more information. He frowned in confusion.

She stepped away him, being so close to him was making her even more nervous. Shivering, she hugged herself tightly and studied the floor closely, refusing to meet his eyes. "Are you disappointed that I'm Marinette?"

Chat was silent for a few moments. "Is that why you're acting so strange? Because you think I'm disappointed?" He finally replied, his eyes looked hurt and his voice had a hint of sadness in it.

Ladybug didn't reply, she merely nodded while still keeping her head down. Silence filled the air again, and it was even worse than before, it was unbearable. Another few seconds passed and she couldn't take it anymore, she had to leave.

But she couldn't. Before she could react, a strong pair of arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a comforting hug. Her first instinct was to immediately pull away, but his tight grip prevented her from doing so.

"I'm not disappointed, I'm actually pretty thrilled." Chat explained softly as he rested his chin on her head and nuzzled her hair softly.

"You...you are?!" Although he couldn't see her face, there was no denying that shock and surprise in her voice.

Chat sighed sadly and pulled away from her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned in closely so that their faces were merely inches apart. "Marinette, you're amazing." He stated firmly, his confident gaze never once wavering. "You're Ladybug, with or without the mask."

"You mean that?" For the first time that evening, she felt all her fears slip away and a wave of relief washed over her.

"Of course I do, my lady." His eyes softened and he gave her an affectionate look. Smiling, he looked down at his hand and began to fiddle with his ring. "I was thinking,"

"About what?" Her eyes landed on his hand and watched silently as he began to slowly slide the ring off his finger.

"Since I know who you are, I think it's only fair that you know who I really am." Chat explained, his eyes filled with excitement and a hint of hesitation.

"Chat, are you--"

She never got to finish that sentence, because at that very second he took the ring off and his transformation slowly wore off, starting first from his feet and rising up his body so that his face was the very last part revealed. As soon as it was over Chat Noir was gone, and in his place stood Adrien Agreste.

Adrien Agreste. Adrien was Chat Noir.

Ladybug stood speechless, staring at him in shock, her mind trying to comprehend what she had just witnessed. Chat was Adrien, Adrien was Chat. Meaning that the her partner, her best friend, the guy who always flirted with her, was actually her long time crush!? There were a million thoughts running through her head, but there was one in particular that stood out. She had kissed Chat Noir once when Kim had been akumazied as Dark Cupid....that meant...





.....she had kissed Adrien....

"You're not disappointed, are you?" Adrien asked nervously. He had thought it would be a good idea to reveal himself, but judging from the fact that Ladybug's face was so red that it matched her suit and her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head...maybe it hadn't been the best idea.

His voice snapped her out of her thoughts and Ladybug felt her cheeks begin to cool down. She looked over at Adrien and studied him for a while. Although he looked different out of his suit, he was still Chat Noir. Never had changed.

She laughed, she couldn't help herself. It was all so clear to her now. For the longest time she had been afraid that revealing who they really were would mess everything up and destroy their friendship. Her greatest fear had been that Chat Noir would be disappointed by her, but now she realized how silly that thought had been.

They were still the same people, with or without the masks, and nothing was going to change between them. And that, made her feel the happiest she had ever felt in her life.

She managed to calm down, although an occasional giggle still conituned to slip out, and the look on Adrien's face wasn't helping. Smiling, she reached out and slipped her hand into Adrien's. "Silly kitty," She mushed softly as she squeezed his hand affectionately. "You could never disappoint me."


A/N: And they lived happily ever after, the end!

Discovering Ladybug's identity- LadyNoir (Miraculous ladybug fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now