Chapter 7

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Hey I just noticed that the chapters are in a weird order, but just follow the titles of chapters not the actual order😊

A month had passed. Bellatrix's condition had not been treating her well, the only thing she looked forward to was when Narcissa came to see her. What had become of her?

Rodolphus came in every morning and night, trying to convince her to let him take care of her, but she couldn't care less. Rodolphus was the one who wanted her to be in the position she was in, stuck in bed until she bursts and tries to kill the house elves making her bed. And yet, she felt for her little baby. Her visions were slowly tearing her apart from the inside out, making her insane. She would have done anything to avoid that fate, and yet it seemed unavoidable. No matter if she named her daughter Cordelia or not, let Sirius reside in her home for more than 30 seconds, nothing mattered. Her baby would be taken, maybe killed, and she could do nothing about it. She should probably just enjoy the months were they couldn't rip her out of her arms.

"So, Bella, have we thought of any names yet?" Rodolphus asked, trying to lighten the mood of his wife, that was sinking deeper and deeper into darkness.

"Yes." Bellatrix replied, her voice not changing tone at all.

"Me too! I was thinking for a boy..-"Rodolphus started.

"It's not going to be a boy." Bellatrix interrupted.

"Bella, its a 50% chance.."

"No. It's a girl. And her name is Cordelia. I've made my mind up. Now, your boring, so can you please leave and fetch Cissy?"

Rodolphus looked hurt, though he couldn't really expect any more kindness from Bellatrix Lestrange.
"Ok dear, whatever you want,"

A few minutes later Narcissa entered the room, with a tray of fruit. She put the tray in the floor and sat on the bed,

"So Bella, how are you feeling?" She asked.

"Cissy, I need to get out, this is driving me even more insane that I was before,"

"Bella, we have talked about this, it won't be good for the baby if you start running around like before,"

"Cissy, I'm not stupid. I'm not going to kill anyone, I just need some fresh air, I need to get out of this room,"

"OK Bella." Narcissa said with hesitation. "But I'm going with you."

"I don't care!" Bellatrix cried, a smile spreading across her face as she jumped out of her bed. She started changing, and put her corset on. "Cissy, can you tighten it for me?"

"Bella, that's not really a good idea," Narcissa replied. "It won't be good for the baby,"

Bellatrix sighed. "Nothing's good for the baby." She muttered. She put on her favourite black dress and picked up her wand. "What are you waiting for Cissy? Come on! Let's go!"

Bellatrix grabbed her sisters hand and ran out of the manor, into the woods behind. She took a deep breath in and sighed. She sighed again, closed her eyes, and ran into the trees.

"Bella wait!" Narcissa called. "Where are you?" Chasing after her sister, Narcissa tripped over.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Bellatrix said at Narcissa, making her sister float in the air. Bellatrix let out her deafening cackle. "You alright there Cissy?"

"Bella put me down!" Narcissa said, furrowing her eyebrows and crossing her arms. "You are so immature."

"I'll let you down if you say: Bellatrix can go out whenever she wants,"

"I can say it, but I won't mean it," Narcissa replied, keeping her arms crossed.

"Oh well. It was worth a try," Bellatrix muttered, before letting her sister drop to the ground.

"Bella, can we go back to the manor now?" Narcissa asked.

"Fine. But I want longer tomorrow."

"Fine, now come on, we need to be back in time for dinner," Narcissa said, starting to walk back.

"Wait." Bellatrix said. Narcissa turned around.

"What now Bella?"

"Are you going to let me eat food other than that disgusting soup you keep forcing down my throat?"

"Yes, if you want," Narcissa sighed.

"Oh, I love you Cissy!" Bellatrix cried, running up to her sister , and putting her arm around her shoulder and leaning her head on Narcissas shoulder.

"I love you as well Bella, you know that right?"

"Of course Cissy," Bellatrix said, smiling sincerely.


Thanks for reading! This chapter was a bit longer, I hope you could tell, and I will be posting as regularly as I can. Comment and vote!

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