Chapter Seventeen: Finny

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That look in her eyes; I could see her heart breaking when I spoke to her. Why doesn’t Sebastian want us to be friends; what did I do, is it because I love her? Not even being outside listening to the wind and the birds can make me feel better. Tears started falling onto my cheeks; I’m a horrible person.


I watched Sebastian walk past us up the stairs, I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to do this…I have to do this. “Finny what is it; did something happen?” I couldn’t look her in the eyes; it hurt too much. My body was shaking, my hands balled into fists. “Finny look at me please and tell me what’s wrong,” she placed her hand on my shoulder.

I have to do this; I took a deep breath, jerked my head up and pushed her hand off me. “I don’t want to be your friend anymore Kaylien,” my voice was shaky and I could feel the tears start to build up. She looked hurt and confused; I don’t mean it, I take it back.

“Whatever’s happening please let me help you, don’t shut me out. Is this because of Sebastian?”

Yes, it has everything to do with Sebastian; it’s his fault.

“No! This has nothing to do with Sebastian! I don’t want to be your friend, I don’t want to talk to you or even see you anymore!” I yelled through the tears; I don’t mean it, I don’t mean it, I’m sorry Kaylien. That look she gave me; I’d completely broken her, tears were pouring out of her eyes.

“You don’t mean that, you can’t mean that…you’re lying!” She screamed.

“I’m not lying; I meant everything I said!” No I didn’t. “Just…just leave me alone!”


Now here I am in the garden, sitting in the dirt listening to the birds and wind; mud and tears on my face. Kayliens window was above me; she’s probably in there hating me right now. I hate me too. I felt Pluto nudge my shoulder; I patted his head and sighed, “I lost her didn’t I.”

---Next day

Sebastian hurt her; I know he did. I spied on her while she dusted, after yesterday I’m the last person she would want to see. “What did you do to her Sebastian?” I whispered. Why is she walking like she’s off balance and holding her stomach? He hit her didn’t he!

Sebastian was with her now, he had his arms around her waist and…did he lick her? “I hate you Sebastian, I hate you,” I tried to control my anger. Seeing him with his arms around her like that, whispering in her ear; it makes me want to hurt him. He doesn’t deserve someone as beautiful and wonderful as Kaylien.

Sebastian had let go of her and was walking toward me; he saw me! My heart was racing; what’s he goanna do? He towered over me with that stupid smirk on his face; I want to punch him. “You hurt her didn’t you?” I glared at him.

“I did no such thing; why would you say that?” He said with the dumb smirk still plastered on his face.

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