Falling rain

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-Kobayashi Yoshio's POV-

I'm suicidal. I won't lie. I tried everything that I can. Jumping down from high buildings, shooting myself,eating poisonous substance and even drowning myself. But that doesn't help, not even a scratch.  I just wanted to die, I better off be dead somewhere.... that is because, every time someone gets close to me I hurt them... I can't control this power of mine. Why can't I just die?

"I wanna die....." I sighed softly as I walk back to my safe sanctuary.

That's the only place I can go back to, no one would bother me. No one can find me there and I won't hurt anyone by staying there. That's the best solution I can think of right now.

"Woah....nice place you got here!"

I turn around to see who was it standing in front of my house. "You! What are you doing here?! How did you know this place!?"

"I just heard some rumors flying around. Say, are you still trying to kill yourself? Any progress?" The male in orange sports attire asked me.

"Leave me alone! Just go away!"

"Kobayashi, I can help you, I've been telling you for ages that I will help kill you!"

"Hanasaki....leave it, it's none of your concern. It's safer for you if you just stay away from me."

"Aww, no can do! I'll do whatever it is to help you!" Hanasaki exclaimed loudly and happily.

How can he be so cheerful? Isn't he scared of my powers? Why is he so fixated on helping me? I wish he would just leave me alone like everyone else and forget about me. Aren't I a monster like they said? This is tiring.... I really just wanted to die.

-Third person's POV-

"You're annoying!" The white haired male shouted in anger before leaping down from the high rise building.

"Ah...there he goes again..." The brown-ish haired male sighed.

Kobayashi landed with a soft thud. He apparently, wasn't hurt at all. There wasn't any wound or scratches on his pale body. Kobayashi clicked his tongue and took off running towards the other direction. The only thing that was running through his mind was

"I need to get away from Hanasaki...as far as I can.."

-At a certain alleyway

A white haired male was trembling slightly while holding a rifle firmly to his head. He was determine to shoot himself. He didn't hesitate at all as he pull the trigger.

But, his unusual power once again, stopped him from killing himself. All the bullets was sliced into half and fell to the ground.

Kobayashi threw away the rifle as hard as he can. "Why can't I just die?!" He wondered over and over again until the sun started to set, covering him in total darkness. He cried silently and wrapped his arms around his leg as he slump against the cold wall of a certain abandon shop.

The white haired male sat in silence even as the sky started to pour. Rain doesn't really effect him that much but sometimes he still get wet and drenched. He tried starving himself but that did not work as he ended up eating pesticide, poison and gasoline. Of course, those harmful substance came out as a big mass of gooey poison balls.

While Kobayashi was shivering due to the dampness and coldness of the rain, he wasn't aware of the footsteps resonating around him.

"Ah! Finally I found you! Man, you sure like to creep into dark and cold places like this huh..." A brown-ish haired male exclaimed cheerfully as if he had no concern or worries at all.

{Trickster} I Just Wanna Die (Yaoi/BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now