Chapter 14: If looks could kill...

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Why was she here.


Why the fuck was she here?!?

From the corner of the dimly-lit cell, I can see her pale face staring straight back at me with hard, dark eyes through the heart-cut gate- chin lifted in a proud, defiant manner.

But why was she here?!

After holding her heated gaze for a while longer, I turn sharply on my group- just about ready to beat the answer out of any one of them, if I had to.
But before any of that could happen, I noticed, from the corner of my eye, a much larger person step into the room-   bringing in with him his ever-present air of superiority and loaded God complex. 

Standing in the hallway (how I didn't hear him coming, I do not know) was the one and only, 'Le Cœur De Noir'.
My father.


I take a deep breath- in some brief attempt to mentally prepare myself- and turn to him wearing my most mockingly polite and charming smile.
A most fitting of greetings.


"Robin.." My father acknowledges me. Not quite managing to match my over the top enthusiasm.
"Fancy seeing you here, this time of day.." He tries to smile fondly as he turns away, yet fails to hide his cold voice and disapproving eye. Seeing this, I react on impulse, completely forgetting the whole
' I'm-so-very-happy-that-you're-here '    act

"Could say the same to you." I state, the sudden dramatic change in my tone shocking even me.

Not best best idea..
You could feel the tension building in the room, as he stopped- and turned once again, slowly to face me. Only this time to meet me with an intense rage-filled fire burning in his eyes.
One that I'm rather sure matched mine.

Oh- If looks could kill..


Well, that escalated quickly.

As much as I wanted to speak out at this point- I had promptly decided to keep it buttoned.
It had gotten super intense, very quick I may add and I honestly didn't see my input (however witty and amazing) improving the situation in any way..shape..or form..

Not that I have any idea as to what this whole baffling little display of "father/son"..affection(?) was all about- but I don't fancy being caught in the crossfire all too much.

Right now they were just...staring at each other..

It was kind of creepy really.

No one had spoken in a while... not even Robin's brain-dead cronies that stood around them. They simply glanced at one another awkwardly and, much like myself, wondered what on earth to do with themselves.
I shivered against the chill in the room, and snuggled deeper into the corner I was nestled in, deciding to leave them to it.


Maybe If I stay quiet enough, they'll forget I'm here.

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