Chapter 12: Day in the rain

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Do you ever look back on a particular moment and just...wish to go back?

Wether it be to change something you regret, or simply re-live it...we do it a lot- wishing.
..I mean, It never works.
   But we do it anyway.

  The past is the past- and as hard as we may try, we will never have any of it back. Time has taken it from us, leaving only lingering memories and ghosts to fill the holes left in our lives.

Be it hugs from old friends- dead years ago- or a 'good night' kiss, still warm on the cheek- we all like to look back on these things...we obsess over them.
We let them ruin us.

For this exact reason, I try not to. I refuse to loose myself in things that are already lost.
I insist that I am stronger than that.
But there are always exceptions.

A loud sigh escapes my lips, completely shattering my morbid thought process and causing me to loose all focus.

Instinctively, I go to run my hand through my hair- only to find it pulled back in the long braid I forgot I had it in.
  I remember now, asking Loveday to do it for me last night before she left-
I could never do these braids. They were dainty and intricate, requiring nimble fingers and gentle care.

Probably why I couldn't do them.

Despite hours of practising on Loveday's patient head, tugging and twisting her locks in what was probably the most painful of ways, each and every one of my attempts resulted in a too-baggy-misshapen trail of knots.

I guess I had slightly improved over time...but I was still pretty bad. So I asked her to do my hair for me.
I liked the way it held my unruly hair out of the way, whilst leaving a few loose strands to fall just before my ears, framing my face.

A bright ray of light shines onto my face, where I lie peacefully in the shadows. Irritated, I lift my hand to shield my face, but eventually I give in and shuffle over a bit- huffing defeatedly. 

A tired sigh escapes me once more.

Take me back to the day in the rain.

Well, technically speaking it was a night in the rain....but day sounds better.

Shut up it matters.  

As I said before, not all memories we look back on are long-gone. This one, for example, was only hours ago.

..But it was so beautiful...

I had woken up in the middle of the night, probably after another whacky bird-related dream, to find myself alone. Remembering that Loveday had left the day before, I slipped out of bed, out of the front door and just..sat there, in the dark, at the entrance of the cave.

As I lay, safely hidden behind the falling vines, I had started to drift off again- there was just something I loved about night outdoors. That calmed me. The air is always crisper, clearer, even smelt better to me.

   Don't ask.

It was just so peaceful and calm. But before sleep could take me once more- I heard something that got my attention. Something soft and small falling across the dry leaves on the forest floor ahead of me.


Before long, the soft, small-sounding droplets had become the loud, heavy thudding of a storm.
The heaven's had opened.

As quickly as it had arrived, I had flung myself out into the open, drenching the clothes I was wearing in seconds- a massive, carefree grin plastered itself to my face. I spun around the clearing, twirling, skipping, dancing like a madman- as fat, unyielding droplets had continued to come bucketing down on me, drowning the soil and coating my socked-toed feet in mud.
But I hadn't cared- not for a second.
I'd felt so free.
So alive.

I had been dancing and whooping and laughing for what felt like hours when the sun started to rise. I remember seeing it on the horizon, casting mystical bright rays of orange and pink through the trees, glinting on the heavy downpour that still rained around me. Looking back I don't quite know why I did, but I had suddenly started running, sprinting wildly into the forest, completely unaware of whatever direction I was headed in. I had followed my feet until I'd found myself at a wide river- it's surface
too disturbed by the pounding rain, with endless ripples and bumps in the dark water, caused by the assailing force from the sky that attacked it. I laughed loudly again. I loved this.
Why did it not rain more often?
I had continued my rain dance boldly as the sun rose slowly behind me, spilling beautiful warm light over the troubled river's surface, reflecting  ripples of brightness onto everything around it. Still the rain beat my back. Lit like tiny falling diamonds. The whole idea was something out of a storybook- it was magical.
I remember smiling at myself in contempt- for seemingly the millionth time that night.
I felt joyful. Peaceful. Safe.

Ironic really, since that is also about the time I remember hearing a loud noise behind me and, upon turning- was abruptly knocked unconscious. 

And that's when the beautiful moment ended and I woken up to find
my stupid ass in some dark, dank
cell- graced with the worlds worst headache.

...Yeah- I hadn't expected it either.


A/N: Whoah- plot twist!?!  Yeah just so you know- I'm super excited for next few chapters- things are about to get interesting😈. I've been looking forward to it for AGES.
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