Chapter 8: Miss me?

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A/N: Yeah, hi. I know, picture isn't perfectly formed by Jesus' loving hand or something, but it's just to give a clear image of my character. Plus it's pretty fun taking an idea, and giving it a personality and look 'n stuff...

[Update: 2 yrs on its cute but I just about cringed our of my SKIN, so ofc I removed it, ur welcome. ]

Don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy! 💀❤️

It had been a week now, since my first meeting with Robin. Feels longer.

Loveday hadn't needed to leave for a while, once again confining me to the 'safety' -aka 'prison'- of the cave. But I know today- she has to go...

..Because I've done something to ensure she does.

I had drunk the last of the milk.

Shock horror, I know- SO bad.

Basically, we keep our milk underground, where it's coldest. One bottle usually lasts us a couple of days and we have quite a few of them down there. We like to stock up as many as we can (that won't go off in the time we drink them) because it's a long way to the nearest Dairy Farm.

Just under a day's journey there, Loveday usually spends the night somewhere before heading back.

I have 2 days tops.

I smirk at the wall from where I lay in bed, listening in as my master plan comes together.

"Kaaattt?!" Loveday calls from the cellar.

"Yeeeessss?!" I yell back.

"Where did all the milk go?!" She walks up into view- eyebrows raised, an empty milk bottle in each hand.

I shrug my shoulders, feigning innocence. 

"Beats me!"
I can practically feel the halo floating above my head as I blink at her, pouting and doe-eyed.

Sighing, she heads back into the kitchen, assembling her usual 'outing' garb, and starts preparing a basket.


..That actually worked.

*Halo shatters as devil horns sprout*

After a few minutes of my mind scheming the next steps to world domination, she comes through again, ready to leave now, and looks at me- blissfully unaware of the crazy shit my mind was coming up with only seconds ago.
"I'll be back in a few days, ok?"

I smile and nod- sweet and innocent as ever- watching her exit. And as soon as I hear her walking away down the dirt path, I spring into action. Quickly, I too get ready for an 'outing', normal attire of green trousers and leather corset, complete with black ribbon and eye kohl.

And without a second thought of Loveday or world extinction- I head out..

      ...Straight over enemy lines.


No trace of her. How haven't we caught even a glimpse of her in 5 days?!

What is this witchcraft?!

Where does she GO?!

I sigh loudly, sliding down against a tree and landing unceremoniously on my arse. I am alone today.
Bartem was too afraid to come with me.

Kept babbling something about a 'mean fire-head fairy'.

I look up and take in my surroundings- not having noticed I was by The Great River, which marks west border between De Noir and Merryweather land.
It is rather beautiful out here, though I'd never admit it. Never was very outspoken about...emotions and all that crap.

Water rushes over stones, catching the light of the low morning sun and sending bright ripples of light onto the surrounding trees. It doesn't do much to lighten my mood, though. It was still pretty early and I'm 90% certain look like complete and utter shit.

Let's just hope I don't run into anyone.

"Chris, get the fuck off me you fat prick!"

"Oi! Move!"



I inwardly curse the universe for doing this to me, watching my unruly gang of 'minions'- as father calls them- fall through the trees.
My boys never were the brightest..or stealthiest.


Chris came first, taking up most of the clearing. Then came James- the only one that didn't always piss me off, Harry and Quinn- who might as well have been holding hands, and of course- Bartem bringing up the rear.

They stood in front if me, seemingly now slightly lost as to what to do now they actually found me.

"Robin! The fuck you doin' out here?"
The massive expanse of black leather that is Christofer, asks in his ridiculously deep voice.

"Searching." I reply monotoned, once again settling comfortably at my original post, having being disturbed.

"For what?" Bartem asks, blinking.

I look at him.

And have difficulty telling if he is suddenly an amazing liar..

..or if he is simply the thickest man on earth.

Most probably the latter.

As they sit down beside me -having also forgotten my hunt for the girl- James stays standing, staring at the branches of the tree above me- mouth agape.
At first I don't understand what has him so transfixed.


Oh shit.

I hear a giggle, quickly followed by the voice I've been hearing in my dreams for the last week.

"Miss me?"

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