Maya and Marlex

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Chapter 4   Maya Pov) Recap)

           I sat on the floor crying my eyes out when I heard someone enter the room I was startled. It was Marlex he pulled my arm which made me stand up. I sat down beside him on the couch. He pulled my hand from my face to see my eyes. I quickly moved it up again. Then I realized What's the point? I put my hands down to my lap. I stared at Marlex the tears started running down my face again. I hugged him tighter I can tell he was surprised. "I wanna go home." I said almost losing my voice. I closed my eyes he was warm. Like Latrell. "Don't worry. It will be over soon." I heard Unique's voice. "Blue eyes." He said poking my nose. "Yeah why are here eyes blue?" Marlex questioned Unique I let go of Marlex. Unique stared at me. "B-because." I stuttered I didn't try to finish. "Its getting late." Marlex told Unique."Yes. You will need your energy. Both of you for tomorrow." Unique said I was confused it was only 10:00. Unique grabbed my arm he pulled me to a different room. Marlex followed Unique he tied my hand to the bed. Marlex sat beside me. "Get some sleep. Marlex sleep in here with her." Unique told Marlex I felt my face go red with embarrassment. "Unique why Can't you?" He asked lowering his voice. "I have to make sure they don't find us and come get her." He replied leaving the room and shutting the door. I used my night vision to see. I got under the covers and faced the opposite direction from Marlex. I tried biting the rope my arm was tied to I could sense Marlex was asleep. I gave up Marlex  moved in his sleep to much I got kicked at least 3 times. I felt him wrap his arms around me I tried moving but he was stronger than me.

Marlex Pov)

I was half asleep I felt my arms around Maya's waist she was like my girlfriend that I miss. I remembered  this was Latrell's girlfriend. I didn't care. I wasn't sure if she was asleep I think she is sleeping. She is soft like a pillow. But I need to follow Unique's orders and not get attached to her. I looked at the rope her hand was tied to it looked like a mouse chewed it. I just got it. She is a white wolf, I remembered her eyes were blue like the wolfs. But why does Unique need her? I need to stop worrying and go to sleep.

"Marlex!" Unique yelled I woke up I moved my arms from Maya's waist she was still asleep. I walked up to Unique. "What?" I asked him. "They are getting close I saw them a block away. Help me pack this stuff." He said grabbing a box. I started helping him. "What about Maya?" I asked putting the last box up. "I will carry her. She woke up this Morning I drugged her she will be out for a bit." He ran to go get Maya. I sat in the drivers seat I guess I was driving. Unique came back with Maya. I was surprised we haven't got caught yet we would be doing alot of time for this. "So Marlex. What did you and Maya do?" He asked me. "Sleep." I replied with a obvious answer. "Don't get to attached to her." He told me. "Unique I am trying to drive." I changed the subject. We stopped at another apartment. Unique carried Maya inside. I wondered how he got all these apartments. She woke up she was fighting Unique. Her eyes weren't blue they were a certain shade of orange. She was growling and trying to bit him. He handcuffed her to a chair. "Will that hold?" I asked. He nodded. "She is weak." I looked at him confused. "Why?" He shut the door. "She hasn't been able to.." He trailed off. "Well Change." He finished. "Change?" I was confused. "You should know by now that she is a werewolf. Think about it dumbass." He told me sitting down. "W-why hasn't she changed?"  I asked walking around Maya. "Because this." He said holding up a needle. "When I saw her first. I gave this to her." He smiled. "Why did you give that to her?" I asked. "So she wouldn't have the strength to attack or run. So this would be easy." He said turning on the Tv. I looked over to Maya she fainted. I went over to her. "She is fine Marlex leave her alone." Unique said in a tone.

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