Chapter 3

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Chapter Three:

                   I kicked and tried to hit Marlex. He was trying to restrain me. "Leave me Alone! Why do you wan't me?" I yelled in Unique's face. "I know your secret don't make me say it." Unique said smirking I could tell by the look on Marlex's face that he didn't know. "Marlex. I'm your friend. Why are you working with him I thought you hated him." I stared at him. "I do But he is paying me." He replied smiling. He held my arms behind my back. "W-Where are we going?" I asked scared. "Far away. For a long time." Unique replied. "Oh Don't try anything funny either." Marlex said reloading his gun. "Y-You would shoot me?" I asked him. "Sadly I would." He said nodding I tried to get out of his grip. "Maya. Please don't fight it will be easier." He said running his hands threw my hair tried to kick him again. "Stop touching me." I growled the van stopped. Unique came towards me he put a needle in my arm it hurt. I felt calmer which was probably the point of the drug.

                        "Now are you going to come quite. Or the hard way." Unique smiled saying. Marlex still had my arms held behind me  we stepped out of the van and into a apartment complex. They unlocked the door and threw me on the couch. "Stay here." Unique ordered me  Marlex sat  beside me. "Maya, I'm not the bad guy we can still be friends right?" He asked the answer was obviously no I ignored him. "Oh I see." He said seeing I wasn't listening. Unique came back into the room he said on a different couch across from us. Marlex was petting me like I was a dog. I bit his hand he was annoying me. He yelled when I bit him. "Unique she fucking bit me!" He stood up showing Unique I didn't see the problem it was just a little blood. "Maya. You aren't making this easy." He said looking where I bit Marlex. "Stay here don't try anything." He went into the back room with Marlex. I slowly stood up they had bullet proof windows. And there door was locked from the inside. I sat their crying. Nothing else I can do now.

No Pov:

            Anthony and Latrell had lost sight of the van. Latrell wanted to know her secret. "So will you tell me why he wants her?" He asked Anthony getting out of the stolen car. "Well she probably wouldn't like me telling you she doesn't even know I know I know it." He told Latrell following behind. Latrell was getting upset he didn't understand why Maya never told him this big secret. Anthony had a secret to it was similar to Maya's. "It's a long story which you don't have time to hear." He told Latrell stepping in front. "How do you know where to go?" Latrell said to Anthony, Anthony didn't answer he could actually smell her scent. He could sense she was scared. "I just know." He said finally replying to his question earlier.

Marlex Pov:

      I sat beside Maya on the couch still holding her arms back. "Maya, I'm not the bad guy we can still be friends right?" I said smiling she looked away. "Oh I see." I said a few moments later Unique had entered the room. Her hair was so pretty I ran my fingers through it slowly. When I lowered my hand she bit me I screamed.  "Unique she fucking bit me!" I yelled it felt like my cat bit my hand. It was bleeding a bit which was weird. "Maya. You aren't making this easy." He told Maya examining my hand. "Stay here don't try anything." Unique told Maya we walked into the back room Unique was putting all sorts of stuff on my hand then he got a needle. "Whoa. I don't think I need that." I told him backing away. "Trust me you will." He put the small needle in it didn't hurt I wondered where he got all this stuff. I heard Maya crying then I felt bad Unique just smirked. "So can you tell me why we just kidnapped a defenseless girl?" I asked him he showed me pictures of a white wolf. "Wtf does that mean?" I asked him. "Marlex, Forget it your a idiot." He told me I shrugged. I walked back into the living room Maya was on the floor. With her hands over her eyes I guess she was startled by my presents because she flinched. I made her stand up and sit on the couch However she wouldn't move her hands. I lowered one of her hands her eye color was a shade of blue I thought it was brown. She must be sick. I thought to myself she quickly moved her hand up again. Then she put both her hands down she didn't look so good either. She pulled me into a hug which was unexpected. "I wanna go home!" She cried with her arms wrapped around me. Unique was behind me. "Don't Worry. It will over soon." He said with a evil grin.

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