Changing Appearance

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Starscream was sitting on a rotting crate within an abandoned warehouse, glancing over at Soundwave every few moments, wondering who the TIC had been talking to for nearly half an earth hour, using comm. Link to make contact with whoever was needed to aid them in their flight from Autobot and human loudly, Starscream was about to get up and go over to see what his tall comrade was doing, but then Soundwave was standing in front of him, comm. Link returned to it's place in his pocket. "Get up." The TIC ordered in a voice hoarse from lack of use. "We must move again."

The SiC looked up at Soundwave skeptically. "What? No? But we just moved an hour ago!" He cried in indignation.

Welcome to the life of a fugitive." Soundwave responded calmly, grabbing the other mech's arm and jerking him to his feet, dragging him towards the door when it opened and Knockout raced in, colliding with Starscream and sending them both tumbling, Soundwave able to dodge it at the last moment.

"Knockout!" Starscream shouted, shoving the humanized medic off of himself. "Where have you been?!"

The red-haired human scrambled to his feet, brushing himself off. "Exploring. What's going on?" He demanded, looking between the two before squinting at Starscream. "What happened to your hair?" He asked in amusement, earning a bristling glare from the SIC.

"That's the least of our worries, Knockout!" Starscream snapped at him, pacing in agitation now. "Megatron has abandoned us here on Earth.... He's no longer even IN ORBIT. He has fled and we are now being hunted down by the Autobots and their human companions." He explained in frustration.

Knockout looked between the other two, completely confused and looking extremely worried. "What are we supposed to do? We're pretty much helpless at the moment." He responded bitterly.

"We run." Soundwave answered, stepping into the conversation and surprising the both of them, who weren't at all used to him speaking up. "And we must change how we look." He added.

"Fine." Knockout nodded quickly. "But how and where?" He asked.

Soundwave looked at him and motioned for him to follow. "I have contacts." He answered, turning and disappearing, the other two following quickly after him and out of the warehouse and into the sunlight, heading down the alleys quickly until the tall mech stopped outside a door, knocking loudly.

The three Cybertronians waited for several moments, Starscream and Knockout looking around in disgust and disdain at the trash-filled alleys, at the trash and debris and whatever else... This area was obviously one of the worst areas, and they were slightly surprised... Soundwave had learned how to survive in Kaon, and then in the pits of Kaon as the second-greatest gladiator... He definitely knew his dirty work.

Movement on the other side of the door alerted the three and they looked at the door, hearing several locks click back and then it opened a crack, an older man of about sixty with greasy hair looking out at them. "What do you want?" He demanded.

Soundwave looked down at the shorter man and reached up to remove his sunglasses and hood, revealing the heavy scarring around his mouth which extended down his neck and disappeared beneath the sweater, red eyes now exposed for the scrutinous gaze of the strange, dirty man.

"Ah. One of yous again." THe older man leered before the door shut, more locks and bolts snapping back before it opened all the way. "Come in."

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