🍪 Cookie One 🍪

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           Picture of Sam.⬆️

"What are you doing!?!" Rebecca asks raising her voice as she took in the scene that was before her.

"Emm... nothing," I say, quickly lowering the cookie that I had took a bite out of from my mouth and grabbing the bag of Rebecca's cookies in my hand.

"Oh no, I saw the bag of mah cookies. Give 'em here!"
She reaches her arms out to try and get the cookies but I was too quick.

I run behind her out the door and into hallway of our dorms, laughing evilly.

"You can't catch me, you can't catch me!!" I shout behind me teasingly.

"Come back here now Sam or I swear you'll never see the light of day again." I ignored her and ran down the stairs passing startled looking students.


As I reach the end of the stairs I pause and look back up the stairs to see Rebecca gaining on me. Swivelling around I sprint across to the dorm entrance.

I push the doors open and run outside with the bag of cookies still in my hand. I run down the path passing students until I finally come to a stop. Quickly glancing behind me for any signs of Rebecca, I spot none and walk hurriedly down the path wanting to get out of sight so I could eat the cookies.

Yes I might have a problem, but I was happy just the way I was, quirks and all.

I hear a yell coming from behind me. I spin around, the bag of cookies flailing dramatically behind me, the bag tearing and the cookies flying through the air.

Slowly looking up I see a tall, lanky boy with dark purple hair, dark brown eyes that seemed almost black who was now covered with crumbs and pieces of cookies.

I stare in horror at the broken cookies that were now scattered along the path and all over him.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!" I shout kneeling down on the hard, cold ground dramatically. I turn back around to glare at the guy.

"This is your fault!!" I say pointing at him accusingly and picking the crumbled cookies up to show him what he had done.

He just stares back blankly, in shock and totally confused.

"SAM!!!" I hear Rebecca shout angrily from behind me and I panic. I stand up, completely forgetting about the guy for a second.

"Shit, She's coming!! Your lucky I have to go!!" I exclaim and run off.

I'm going to be in so much shit...

"Sam come back here!!!" Rebecca yells but I keep running, well more like jogging since I was getting a pain in my side.

It felt like a knife was stuck in my gut.

There's the cookie...but I DON't REGRET IT!!!

I hold my side to try and dull the pain but I just couldn't go on. I stop jogging and lean over in pain.

Why cookie? Why? Why do you do this to me?

I hear Rebecca muttering some curse words behind me and I slowly turn around.

"Look I'm sorry, please don't kill me," I plead giving her the puppy eyes.

"Them puppy eyes wouldn't help you now, Samantha Jenna Andrews," she says walking towards me.

Oh no she called me by my full name... I'm dead.

I look helplessly around me trying to see if there was anyone to help me but like usual the world hated me and there wasn't a person in sight.

I guess I'm on my own for this one... *sighs*

"Look let's be reasonable here, how 'bout I get you a whole bag of cookies tomorrow. Then everyone wins, you get your cookies and I get to live," I say while backing away towards the dorms.

"Hmm...how many cookies?" She asks slowing down.

"Oh as many as you want, well as long as it's no more than five," I say hopeful that she might agree.

"Ok... but I'm still mad at you, let's go back to the dorms then," was her reply and I was filled with relief.

"Ya lets go it's freezing out here," I mutter rubbing my arms to try get rid of the goose bumps that were already starting to appear.


"Never having any of my stuff ever again..." Rebecca mumbles under her breath for the thousandth time after we had gotten back to the dorm.

I put in my earphones to block her out and press play on one of my playlists. I lean back onto my bed and I feel my eyes grow heavy. I must have closed them sometime because the next thing I know I was dreaming of cookies and my first day of school.


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