Comments from the Fairy Queen

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Just as I thought: My plan worked. So how is that possible? Well, it's simple.

According to the Code of Light, a magical creature is not allowed to show themselves in front of humans in normal circumstances... BUT, I found a loophole. It never said that I'm not allowed to show "signs" of magic to a person of denial~

I also found out that it doesn't count as a magical encounter if the one who seen the magic isn't in his own dimension so I created a temporary world that allows me to freely display magic as long as I didn't appear in front of him.

The reason why I did this method is because I figure out that no matter how obvious the presence of magic is, he...what's his name again? Willy (oh yeah) will always reject it. But he'll accept the truth if he feels like he's in mortal danger so the haunted lodge is the result!

How about his strange encounter in the dark room? Well, I got my sources...

Anyway, got to go! 

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