The Conclusion

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I wake up at my desk where I was writing my case file. So...this is all a dream? I then notice something next to me. The bracelet that's given to me by the Fairy Queen. Which is odd since I could've sworn that I put it somewhere else. It then starts glowing like crazy!


The light diminishes and my desk now has scorch marks! It forms a message as I attempt to interpret it. It says:


Does this mean that... Wait! I'm late for dinner!

I quickly run and and notice the team having dinner.

"Hey Willy!" Mark says with enthusiasm. "The food's great!"

"You're still having dinner at this time?" I ask.

"What are you talking about? It's 7:05 pm," Camellia says.

That's strange. I could've sworn that I'm gone for hours... Could it be?

"What's the matter Willy? You seem spaced out," Nathan asks.

"You better eat up before the good stuff are gone," Hurley says.

"Yeah. Because pigs like you would've eat it all!" Scotty insults.

Hurley sweatdrops.

I then go towards Mark as I say:

"Captain, about what I said earlier... I..." Why can't I say it?!

"What is it Willy? Don't hold back," Mark says.


Everyone is shocked by my sudden outburst.

"Admit what?" Silvia says.

Everyone waits for my answer.

"I admit that I was wrong," I say. "Everything that happen to us really happened and that they are really amazing adventures. I'm sorry that I doubted you."

This is so embarrassing.

"Took you long enough."


My friends smile at me as Mark says:

"That's good to hear. I never doubt that you'll trust our words."


"Alright guys, this calls for a celebration. Let's eat!"



This is Detective Willy Glass officially closing this case file. Even though I've experienced stress, trauma, humiliation and mind-breaking adventures during this investigation, I realize things that I never expect learning.

It seems like I can't just deny something that seems unbelievable just because I don't understand it. I never really did a thorough investigation. I just deny whatever my friends say because I can't accept it. But then, someone once told me that despite all those things, I can never forget those adventures. Nature always has its mysteries and the only way to discover them is to have an open mind and an open heart.

And so... I conclude that everything that happened to Inazuma Japan are all real.

That's good writing if I do say so myself.

Of course this will definitely ruin my scientific image and my original hypothesis. So, I decided to NOT show this case file for everyone else to see. After all, old habits die hard right?

I let out a yawn and head to bed.

Time for a good night's sleep. Though there is one question that's still bothering me: who were those people I saw back then?

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