I Don't Feel Good

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Damian slowly woke up to see himself in a sleeping Tim's lap holding onto him. Damian grunted as he tried to move successfully waking up Tim. Tim looked down at Damian who had pain stricken through his face. Little sweat drops were rolling down his rounded face. Tim was now really concerned because Damian was getting sick and that's not a good thing when your abandoned on a uncharted island. Tim sat up a little making Damian fully sit up. The fire was dying down. So Tim stood up with Damian in his arms. He walked over the a clear soft spot near the fire and gently set him down before throwing some wood into the fire so it wouldn't go out on them. He then turned back to Damian who was laying down on his side in a fetal position shivering. That was when Tim realised that is was freezing cold around them and placed more wood in the fire to try and warm them up. Tim then went to his bag and pulled out a thick warm blanket.

"So glad I came prepared." he thought to himself before he went back to Damian. He sat down next to him and he crawled into his lap to try and warm him self up. He was running a small fever and his boy was in shock. Tim then wrapped the blanket around both of them and gently swayed back and forth. They sat in silence before a small voice came from the blankets asking a small question barely unheard.

"Tim, Where's Dick and Jason?" Tim glanced down and looked at Damian with a shocked face. Damian never used first names unless it accidently slipped. Tim came back from his thoughts to answer him.

"Oh....uh. There gathering food and water for us. They left when you were a sleep." Tim said back to him.
"It's Freezing." he answered back before cuddling into Tim's warm chest some more. Tim's grip tightened on him and she hummed a little tone to help Damian fall back asleep. If he was getting sick he would need sleep.

"I know it's cold bud, but will be off this cursed island in a few." he whispered before Damian fully fell asleep.

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