Chapter 4: Split up

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Electra stopped in her tracks and they stopped as well, "what were you doing her, anyways?" Electra asked them curious.

"There's something off about this place" Dusk said quietly.

"Hm... Who were we fighting in the cave during the trance? Hm... Um..." Lightning looked behind her back to see the cave, then it hit her, she remembered her injury and realized it was "Mewtwo!" she yelled.

"Mewtwo?! Where!?" Dusk looked around startled after being snapped from his thoughts.

"Dusk calm down. Did we actually meet the genetic Pokémon or was it all a dream?" Lightning asked him.

"Wait no one has seen Mewtwo for years though, why is it here?" Electra replied to herself.

"I...I don't know..." Dusk replied. "It felt a little too real to be a dream" Dusk responded as he stared at the mouth of the cave.

"Yeah. We should get out of here, this place is freaking me out" Lightning replied just before Inferno leaped out fighting against the paralysis and grabbed her.

"We still need your power to retrieve Mewtwo" he replied.

"Let me go!" she struggled to get free from his grasp.

"Let go of her!" Dusk yelled as he charged towards him with quick attack.

Inferno used blazing kick and kicked him into a tree hard.

"Ack!" Dusk cried as he fell limp on the tree base. He tried to scramble to his paws.

"Dusk!!" All three of the Pikachus cried.

"Leave them alone" the three Pikachus yelled, using thunderbolt on Inferno, shocking him and released Lightning.

"Uh... You three! I should have taken care of you pests when I had the chance!!!" Inferno yelled getting back up. He ran towards them. Lightning got back up and used quick attack to push Inferno out of the way.

"Argh!!" Inferno staggered back but quickly recovered and used flamethrower on them.

"Watch out!" Dusk exclaimed towards her.

Lightning dodged the attack and used thunderbolt shocking him and he became paralyzed again.

"What are you going to do now, Inferno, you seem slow today, what's wrong Delcatty got your tongue" Lightning taunted.

Inferno growled as he struggled to move. Dusk finally managed to get up on his paws.

Little did they know the skirmish was beginning to disturb Mewtwo.

Inferno glared at Lightning in anger and ran towards her with poison jab.

She used quick attack to dodge it only missing her by an inch.

"Oh so close yet so Farfetch'd" She taunted once more.

He went for another poison jab at her side.

Lightning used quick attack and dodged all his poison jabs and managed to attack using electro ball hitting him. 

He collapsed on the ground unable to move from the paralysis.

Lightning ran to Dusk's side. "Ready for our power move?" She asked.

"Y-yeah" Dusk replied back to her as he prepared to use shadow ball.

Lightning charged up her electro ball charging up their signature move.  

They released their attack creating a huge electro shadow ball attack heading straight for Inferno.

Inferno was hit, he tried to get up but collapsed on the floor again.

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