Chapter 6

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“Yah! Where have you been? You don’t even go to school!” Soo Bin yelled at me the moment I stepped on my dorm. I frowned. Am I not allowed to ditch my class? She immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my room.

“Will you tell me everything or you’ll tell me?” I tssed. She gave me a nice choice, really. Kindly put my sarcasm here.

I sat properly on my bed and told her, “I met the hanbok guy earlier. He was standing behind the door, told me that he would tell me something important so I followed him.” A hit on my head was all I got from her.

“I told you don’t follow any strangers. That might put you in danger.”

“He seems like a nice guy.” Another hit on my head.

“You still don’t know him.”

“But I learned something about him when I did following him.”

She was about to hit me again, and so I avoided my head from her hand right away. She tssed at me this time. “Don’t do that again.” I nodded. She asked what I found about him and I eventually told her everything, down to the smallest detail.

“So, he’s really that Crown Prince we talked about?” she queried as she hugged herself out of goose bumps. “That was ghastly!”

I moved my head to say yes. “He really is. He was even seeking for my help for him to come back on the past, on his world.”

“Jinjja?” Before I was able to say my response, someone suddenly knocked on the door, a little bit louder. “That startled me!” she blatted out of surprise, making me chuckle. For I know, she was scared of strange things, whether it was scary or not. I stood up and put my slippers right away, leaving her still in shock.

“That must be Bo Gum. Wait a minute.” I then ran towards the door, hoping he was really Bo Gum. I eventually opened it and he really appeared before me with food on both of his hands. Smile didn’t escape from my face upon seeing him.

“I bought some food. I just want to eat dinner with you to say, somehow, my gratitude.” He was about to step on my dorm, but I immediately stopped him from entering, which gave a speechless confusion on his face.

“Soo Bin is here. I already told her everything about you and I know, she’ll hit you with tons of questions the moment she’ll see you –” I immediately hit my mouth when I realized I was already telling him that I just blabbered his secret to someone, whilst grimacing at my own self. “I think the rooftop is a lot better than my place, for now,” I told him and fortunately he just smiled and agreed on it, didn’t mind anymore what I just told him. I went back on my room then and got some jacket to wear.

“Where are you going again? It’s already late at night.”

“I’ll just accompany Bo Gum oppa for a while. I’ll be back within an hour,” I told her and immediately turned my back on her.

“Yah! Bo Gum has already his Ra On. Don’t hurt yourself,” she, somehow, reminded. Geundae, reminding for what?

“Just, what are you saying? What does that mean? Anyway, I won’t. Who will let themselves be hurt by something?” I smiled at her and vanished in her eyes right away.

Bo Gum and I then walked upstairs, eventually opened the door, and finally stepped on the rooftop. Good thing it wasn’t that cold, maybe because of the tall plants that the owner of the building put there, and maybe the rooftop itself wasn’t that wide. We ate the food he brought whilst talking about things on how we would find him ways to come back on his place, but we both really had no idea, not even a glimpse crossing our minds.

“What will I do now? Will I even have a chance to go back?” he mumbled sadly, but seeing his dreary eyes made his words even sadder. What will I do now? Will I even have a chance to let him stay? Ah~ What was I saying? My phone beeped in the midst of silence, me peeking on it only to see a text message coming from Soo Bin, and Bo Gum lying on the floor gazing on the moon and stars right away.

“Whether you see it from the palace or from a farm, the moon is simply the moon. I may be the Crown Prince, but it does not matter whoever you are. Whenever it is, and wherever we are, it’s fine as long as hearts are the same, –”

“Just like the moon,” I mumbled, cutting his supposedly words. His line just seemed so familiar to me, as if it was already spoken to me before. I was getting strange again, out of no reason. I glanced at him and a sincere smile was seen plastering on his face.

“Kurae, just like the moon.” Silence once again filled the air, and the sound of the night was the only thing we heard. I took the silence as an opportunity to read Soo Bin’s message, but I just made a frown after learning what she sent. It’s been an hour already. Better come down now or I won’t be your friend anymore.

“Oppa,” I called him but he wasn’t responding. His full attention was on the moon he was gazing at right now. I just stood up and turned my body away from him, not even bidding my goodbye as I didn’t want to distract him from his moment with the moon, which I guess it reminded him of Ra On so much. I walked through the door, eventually opened it as I tried not to create a sound in any way I could, and immediately walked downstairs at a low speed.

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