#4. Tell lies that he will believe

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Well- you know lies aren't good for relationships.

But let me put you in this situation. Your boyfriend is terribly helpless at sports. But he wants to be- though he knows himself isn't as good. He ended a game with the boys and utterly failed. What should you say? All girls think- "Oh he needs some encouragement. We should totally tell him a white lie that he is good!"

If you agreed on that- and if you were nodding your head instantly- then you are not a perfect flirter yet.

Here are some wonderfully wrong answers. (Please- don't get me wrong. 'Wonderfully' is sarcastic)

-"You were great!"

Okay, this might make boys think 'thankful' but -some and most-boys will believe that it as an offensive or mimicking thing. Like that, boys can be a little idiotic. But please, don't get me wrong (to the boys who are reading this) There are boys out there intelligent and helpful. They can sometimes be a little obnoxious and annoying to some girls that are what I mean. Some smart boys will understand this as an encouragement, rather than mimics. But overall, this is pretty sensitive- so girls should try to avoid these.

-"Just practice a little more, and you'll be perfect!"

Oh yeah, you might think this is the best compliment and encouragement ever that a girlfriend can do, but boys might go around a little farther. They will typically think-"Yeah right. You mean you know I am pretty bad, but you're just trying to seem like the best girl a man could ever have!" Or "Uh- yeah. I tried like a bzillion times, and this is not working. What helpful advice." Or "It sounds like I haven't tried yet. I did!" You get the whole point- right?

- "Cool!"

This is the wrong, the worst, the terrible-ist thing I ever heard of. Cool can mean very very various things. Boys often get it wrong. Don't ask me to tell me all the consequences. There will be over 50 to say about only the regular guys, except for the particular ones.

"Okay. This will go ever and ever. Please, just tell me the real one, kissiequeen!" You might be going off of this, and saying these- so here's my answer key. Get out a piece of scrap paper or note to write the hell down. This is important people!


- "I know you can do better!"

This sounds boring and easy like the things in the oldest book of flirtery (Which is the study of flirting that I created)

But this is the best way to say it. It encourages and both expect higher with trust.

But this needs some effort in the 'way' you say it.

Here's the whole thing.

- Sarcastic

Sarcastic ways are something that you can express by,

*Rolling your eyes

*Folding your arms together

*No tones in the accent

*Boring sounds like you are reading a book

These make it worst. Don't do these things when you see him unable to do something. This even might go to the part where you two can break up!

- Coach

The 'coach' is literally you sounding like a coach, not a girlfriend. Even small pieces of advice can look nerdy and annoying if you sound strict or otherwise. This just means not to be too serious when telling him this.

- Dude

This 'dude' is about you looking exactly like a friend, not a girlfriend. Like boy to boy not a girl to boy. Like how the boys talk to each other like-"Dude, that's a weak-ass kick!" like this. 

Like this, please don't do the following things. These will make the boys furious or not trust you.

So this lesson is how you should say lies that he might believe.

There are types of lies that nobody believes it.

Like usual lies that you KNOW is a white lie.

For example, you see the shirt you are wearing looks awful, and you want to get it changed. But if the friend is saying it looks okay, that will make you angry because they are just trying to make you feel better and it is very evident, and you can see it so big.

If nobody believes in your white lies, then the white lies will become only a part of a red lie.

Like that, the lesson here is that you should only say lies that he might believe. Not anything else. Lies are right if they believe in it and are harmless, helpful, or for the better. But if they are about making someone only feel better and matching up their moods, then this won't make you a useful and helpful friend, more like a mood searcher friend. And let me tell you- boys and girls all hate that kind. AVOID IT.

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