#2. How to deal with crushes

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***Note: This episode used to be an episode named 'Satisfy him' but there were a few misunderstandings (several) with the meaning. So I have changed and fixed the contents, so I hope this is helpful.

Here's something I always had a problem as.

I like a guy, and I think (And I might be wrong) that the guy likes me back. But he doesn't confess or ask me to be his girlfriend. So the moment stretches where I like him, he likes me, and we both continue in a situation where we're close friends with a strange atmosphere (which is even hard to say 'love').

If you had this situation before, I'm sure you'll understand. Those who don't, good for you. Because it's sweet but hard to handle. Later as I grew up, I realized a remarkable fact that my mother didn't tell me (and she still doesn't agree on). It doesn't matter who confesses first, the boy or the girl. But what matters is if they get along enough to be a couple.

Here's how I learned that.(BTW you don't have to read this part- just a small fun talk of how I discovered this- so it has no tips or lessons here) PLEASE DON'T READ THIS IT'S JUST SOME EMBARRASSING MOMENTS OF MY LIFE LOL...

One of my happiest memories of childhood is a boy I used to like. He had feelings for me too, but he was just a boy who enjoyed drawing and wasn't even sure what love is. But I felt like I was sure. (lol childhood naiveness) So I thought for a while. I liked him (and that was for sure), BUT back then my mother used to tell me it was a duty for a woman to 'make a man confess or think they like the woman' or 'wait for them to say first' and never confess their feelings first. Well, my child-mind conflicted until I just blurted it out at a school trip in the middle of a Truth or Dare. Everybody cheered and shouted to say yes, and with a broad smile, he agreed. (For some details- I cried out, probably with red cheeks, 'I like you!" and he said he did too.) 

And then came the hard part. We said we liked each other sure, but it was hard to say I was his 'girlfriend' or that he's my 'boyfriend.' We hadn't really discussed that part yet. And I didn't want to be the one to say 'will you be my boyfriend?' because I was too scared to do that, even after my embarrassing confession. But to sum up, he did ask me to be his girlfriend a few days later (thankfully), and we had a beautiful, pure teenage relationship until he went to another school and I lost contact. (don't feel sad for me though.. that's not the point)

-Okay, long story,

so let's just get into the tips and stuff you're here for. Sorry for the wait- but I warned you that story isn't related haha

1) Determine if you truly love him. 

Sometimes people get confused with 'I'm really comfortable and happy around this person' and 'I love this person.' But that is understandable, it's a natural thing. I don't major in brain science and all, but I'm sure it's not because some people are dumb. So first before any further thought- you must open that corner of your heart and knock on it. Don't go to your head, go to your heart to ask this. Trust me; your head will say whatever it thinks of. 

Don't know how? I'll ask you some questions to check it out. Just to make sure, okay? (wink)

- Do you feel something in your heart (like a small electric zap) when you see him?

- Does he make you feel like you're special? (does he treat you different from all the other girls?)

- Do you think you'd feel this way to him even without his appearance?

- Can you say you love him to his face? (If he loves you too)

If you answered these all yes- you're okay. Move on. If it's two or three, think a little more. If one or none, he's a friend. Or at least an excellent friend.

2) Be around

Once you like him, you should be familiar to him (I mean, he should be familiar with you). Most loves don't start off a sudden overpowering impulse (love in first sight)- and those loves mostly don't last long. But the love between people who know each other thoroughly, who care and always want to know more about the other, last long and becomes a beautiful relationship. 

So once you have an interest with him and you feel sure about your emotions, you should be around and stay cool. Keep a casual relationship and get closer day by day. Notice the small things- like what he likes to eat, what beverage he drinks, things he doesn't like, etc. (Warning: DON'T BE A STALKER- AND BE A COMFORTABLE PERSON FOR HIM) 

The point here is that you stay casual, but stay nearest to him. And don't do anything silly (ex: sending weird selfies, saying sexual jokes, etc.) unless he loves you for that (and trust me, don't do that until you're dating- k?) 

 3) Ask Him (kind of flashes back to the first chapter)

If you have confidence, I recommend just asking him. Casually. (OK BUT PLEASE DON'T JUST GO SAY 'DO YOU LIKE ME?' that's a horrible way to say it.) Don't stress out too much, because even if he says no, you can always keep being his friend. (And if he doesn't want to, you probably said something wrong, or he's a jerk) Here are ways to ask casually.

: Hey, I just wanted to ask- um, do you maybe have emotions for me?

: I was hoping if we'd be more than friends, how about you? 

Just dropping a hint, you know? Nothing intense like 'Do you like me?' or 'Would you like to be my boyfriend?' or any of those internet pick up lines for play girls.

HOWEVER, I do support power girl confessions like-

: I am pretty sure I like you- tell me if you do too.

: I like you, maybe even love you, so tell me if it's just me.

: I like you, what about you?

 If you feel like this is too much for you, DON'T TRY- because it's probably going to go awkward. But if you feel like that's your spirit, I say go for it. What if he says no? Though I understand how disappointing and defeated you might feel, it's just that he doesn't know you or doesn't know your real value. Don't feel bad about it.

That's the end of it! 

Always remember, you are a masterpiece, and very precious. Never let a boy make you feel otherwise.


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