Chapter 1

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"We are giving 20 lucky teens, the chance to hang with the band, for a week. Just enter online, and tell us why it should be you." Danny finished saying at the end of Pigskin. "Thank you all for being here! Good night everybody!!" He screamed. The band screamed along with him, then filed off the stage.

"You think they'll buy it?" Johnny asked, biting his nails.

"Of course they will, it's my fool proof plan." I said.

"Oh fuck. We're gonna get caught. Let's bail." Johnny said quickly trying to get out of the room.

I put my hand to my chest in a mock gasp. Then straightened. He was right we could get caught, but we wouldn't. I was master of lies.

"Tears... seriously. We'll be fine." Jay spoke up. Johnny nodded.

"Okay. We'll be okay." Funny laughed at this.

"You're overreacting dude." He smiled.

"Yeah, I agree with high guy for once," Danny said, making Funny pull a face and snarl at him, "Right back atcha dumbass." Danny smiled at him.

"Charlie knows what he's doing. He's always gotten us through his crazy plans, alive. And we all knew this one was coming eventually." Matt said. I smiled. I did know what I was doing. I was Charlie fucking Scene. I was crazy as fuck, shitfaced or not. That was just me.

"Okay. I got it. But how the hell are we suppose to manage this with 20 kids?" Johnny questioned.

"It's a slow process, but it'll work." I said, leaning over, I explained the details to them. They pulled away after, nodding.

"I think this is going to work." Danny said, with a smirk.

"What do we gain from this?" Jay said, curiously.

I smirked, my lips curling into an evil grin. I'd been waiting for that question.



*I really don't know what to say. Well, I guess I have to say, this whole book is my friends idea, kissed_by_the_devil. I got her premission to write and publish this so I'm good. What do you think?

Vote. Comment. Or whatever.

-Sarah *

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