33 || Ancient Rite

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The Talosian climbed up the ancient steps. His long, shimmering robes trailed behind him, falling over his shoulders and dragging along the black stairs like torrents of falling water. An alien staggered along behind him, its eyes blank as it struggled to hold the device in its hands.

The Talosian would have felt something similar to satisfaction, had it emotions like other creatures. It was clever, very clever. The device was nothing more than a power source. A piece of intuitive engineering, a relic of an advanced society at the peak of its technological capabilities.

It was merely a power source meant to accommodate a rapidly expanding empire. Perhaps, thought the Talosian, it would be used in that manner once again. But now, he needed it for something else, something far greater.

He didn't intend to rebuild from the ashes of their once great planet. No, he would alter the flow of fate and make certain his kind never fell to ruin in the first place. It was legend, a pseudoscientific theory that was never tested. But he was just desperate enough to bet everything on it.

He had reached the top of the steps and now stood in front of the ancient temple. The statues of the great ones now lay in unrecognizable ruins. Heaps of crumbled stone and rusted metal. Nothing but faded whispers of what they had once been.

"Oh, great one!" He heard a voice behind him lament. He could see the image in his mind before he turned. A group of slaves were carrying the small, broken body of the older Talosian. "We have found him in the tunnels. The prisoners had left by the time we arrived."

Impossible! The Talosian roared, his thoughts tearing through the minds of the lesser species, who clutched their heads and dropped to their knees. No one can resist us!

The Talosian watched the lesser creatures writhe in pain for a moment more before it ceased its attack.

Find them! Destroy them!

All but a few of the aliens ran off, sprinting towards the derelict ruins of the city. The Talosian turned to the ones remaining, his dead grey eyes locking on the device.


The robes rippling over his shoulders as he turned, the Talosian quickened its pace towards the ruins of the temple. They would not stop him now. It was already too late.

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