05 || Doctor McCoy

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"Ow!" Captain Kirk grimaced as Doctor Leonard McCoy examined the wound. "Ease up a little, doc."

"Oh quit being such an infant," Bones grumbled as he held the scanner over the wound.

The bleeding had stopped and the injury was now throbbing painfully. Kirk sighed as he sat on the hospital bed, staring at the far wall. Bones set the scanner down and grabbed another piece of equipment. They were the only two in the medbay at that time and most of the lights were turned off.

"Damn these people and their primitive weapon systems," The doctor mumbled to himself.

"How's it looking?"

"Well it ain't gonna be pretty, but it'll heal. The damn thing took a pretty big chunk out of your arm," He said as he worked. "You should have come to see me right away, not wasting time screwing around. Then again that's just typical. Most people tend to forget that if it weren't for the ship's chief medical officer, we would all just be floating mindlessly through the disease infested space..." Bone's kept muttering to himself as he worked, but the Captain didn't respond. He was quiet for a long minute, lost deep in thought.

"Great, now I'm just standing here yammering to myself."


"I said you're awfully quiet."

Kirk shrugged then grimaced as he moved his arm. "I'm just thinking."

Bones picked up another piece of equipment. "Well that's never a good thing. You should leave that stuff to the computer. Let him worry about it, or compute it, or whatever the hell he does."

"The whole thing seemed way too easy," Kirk continued, ignoring the doctor's comment.

"Easy?" Bones repeated. "'Course it was easy. Spending nearly a week setting the damn thing up, only to have it go south and then you getting shot and having to crawl through the sewers for hours on end...Sounds 'easy' enough."

"It's just something doesn't feel right. I don't know. There's too much Starfleet isn't tell me."

"Well what else is new?"

"I'm probably just overthinking it," Kirk admitted with a sigh. "I'll contact command as soon as I can, try and get straight answer."

"Yeah, well good luck with that." Bones grabbed a roll of bandages. The thin, silvery material shimmered in the light of the med bay as he wrapped it around Kirk's injured arm. "That should do for now," He said, cutting the bandage and setting the rest aside.

"Thanks Bones," Kirk said, standing and grabbing his shirt.

"You should take it easy for a while. Meaning, don't do anything too stupid," Bones told him, putting his equipment away. "I don't want you coming in here complaining that you messed up your damn arm again."

Kirk pulled his shirt on, hissing between his teeth as he moved his arm over his head. "I'll take that into consideration."

Bones turned and leaned against a bed. "Headin' up the bridge?"

"I think they'll be fine on their own for a little while longer," Captain Kirk told his chief medical officer. "First I need to contact Starfleet."

"Well, have fun. Might come and join you on the bridge if I end up getting too bored down here," Bones said as Kirk left the med bay.

Captain Kirk headed down the hall and into the nearest turbolift. The doors closed in front of him as the lift shot upward. It came to a halt after several seconds and the doors slid open. He was about to step out before he realized it was the wrong floor.

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