08 || Damage Assessment

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Jaylah leaned against the back wall of the storage room, flipping a wrench around in her hand in boredom. She had tried everything she could to either pry the door open or reverse the locking mechanism. But no matter what she attempted she couldn't override the system. It remained fixed where it was.

When all else failed, she tried calling for help, but no one came. It had been an hour and pacing back and forth in frustration did nothing to remedy her current predicament, so she resigned herself to sitting on the cold metal floor.

She was going to find the man who did this. She was determined. She would make him pay. This was her home and the people aboard were her family, and no one, no matter who they thought they were, messes with her family.

She caught the wrench in midair and hesitated. There were faint scratches that came from the other end of the door. It was less than three seconds later before the muted whirr of motors sounded. The door slid open. Jaylah jumped to her feet, looked down as a small figure stepped into the room.

"Where is Scotty?" She asked.

Keenser turned and gestured for her to come with him. Jaylah set the wrench down and  followed the short alien down the various walkways. 

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. That is, nothing that would indicate the attack that happened earlier. The crew were still walking about doing their duties, albeit in a more hurried and serious state than usual. Other than that, everything seemed oddly normal.

Jaylah and Keenser went through almost all of engineering until they reached the warpcore. Scotty stood there, instructing a team of redshirts as they worked.

"Montgomery Scotty!" Jaylah called as she arrived.

Scotty turned, unable to help the relieved smile that spread across his face. "Jaylah! Where were ya, lassie?"

Jaylah waved the question away. "Where is the man?" She demanded.

"Gone, looks like. Don't know for sure, I've just been workin' on getting ship back in order," He told her. He was holding a wad bloodstained fabric against the side of his head. Jaylah stepped forward, her pale fingers carefully pulling the fabric away. A long gash ran across the side of his head where he was struck. Scotty grimaced and pressed the fabric back against his wound. "It's nothin' really."

"You should go to the Doctor Bones," Jaylah told him in a concerned voice.

"I will, just a wee bit busy now."

"What had happen?" She asked, nodding towards the workers.

"Well, looks like someone set off a timed device. Temporarily disabled communications and it activated the manual override of the systems and yanked her right out of warp speed," Scotty explained as he watched the workers. "Doesn't seem to be any serious damage, but I want to be sure nothin'll blow if we try to go to warp again."

Jaylah studied the core and the workers. "Did they know who would want to do this?"

Scotty shook his head. "I don't know. Sorry, lass. You'll have ask the captain."

Jaylah took the device he was holding. "I do this." She told him when he put up an attempt to argue. "You go to Bones."

Scotty opened his mouth to say something, but then remembered arguing with Jaylah was never a good idea. "Remember that to reset it by hand, you need to—"

"The setting on the forward auxiliary dock, yes." Jaylah nodded. She had watched him do it on multiple occasions.

Scotty nodded. He bit his lip and shuffled his feet, still hesitant about leaving engineering.

"I do this," Jaylah told him in a stern voice.

"Take good care of her," Scotty said as he affectionately ran a hand against one of the walls. "And yourself."

Jaylah rolled her eyes. "You be gone five minute at most," She told him, all but ready to shove him into the nearest turbolift herself.

"Right, I suppose I'll be headin' out now" Scotty said. He nodded as he did as he was told.

Jaylah studied the readouts on the device. "I got this," She mumbled to herself before she began directing the engineering crew.

 "I got this," She mumbled to herself before she began directing the engineering crew

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